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First time cancelling an order



Hi, I have been in fiverr for quite awhile and i never have a issue with my client until today, i have a quite bad luck with buyer. So this is the first time i cancel the order and i was wondering if this gonna effect me? my order completion are drop to 93% because of this cancelation. is that alright? is there any minimum rate of order completion to avoid for?


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4 answers to this question

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Hi there, yes brother you have to keep all stats minimum 90% otherwise you will get demoted to previous level. Try to avoid cancellation. It affects your listing rankings and stats too. But you have 93% order completion so you don't have to worry its fine. Try to complete more orders and your completion rate will be good again. One more thing I would like to add this cancellation affect will remain for 60 days and then it will be 100% again.  So don't worry about anything just try to deliver good work and do the best communication with buyers to avoid cancellation. 



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2 hours ago, hamza_tayyaba said:

Hi there, yes brother you have to keep all stats minimum 90% otherwise you will get demoted to previous level. Try to avoid cancellation. It affects your listing rankings and stats too. But you have 93% order completion so you don't have to worry its fine. Try to complete more orders and your completion rate will be good again. One more thing I would like to add this cancellation affect will remain for 60 days and then it will be 100% again.  So don't worry about anything just try to deliver good work and do the best communication with buyers to avoid cancellation. 



Hello! Thank you so much for your answer>< idk what happen but suddenly my completion rate are back to 100% now 😮 is that bcz i just deliver an order? Even tho i deliver an order it shouldn't like randomly goes to 100% again right? Is this normal? I'm rly confused

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