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What can I do to undo an unfortunate mistake?



Hi there,

my Gig was denied/deleted and my account is on review. I´ve spent a whole day to try to figure out why and I think I just did.

I do playlist pitching - offering client´s song to Spotify playlist curators. When I am finished, I send a list of playlists I approached to a client (so they can see I really make the work done). And I shared it via Google Drive document...

I mean, they can´t even see my email there and they can´t edit the document, but I guess that just sharing something via link to a Google Drive is forbidden...? Is this enough reason to delete my Gig and put my account on hold, even though I didn´t actually share (and didn´t want to!) any contact information?

My intentions were pure, I am just used to work with G-Drive, so I used it here automatically 😞 I would be surprised if the issue is something else, so is there anything I can do to fix this unfortunate mistake?


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3 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, playlistsubs said:

I do playlist pitching - offering client´s song to Spotify playlist curators.

Does the Spotify ToS permit this? I'd lean more to that being the possible cause of the denied gig, but it might have been something else in your gig description or images.

As for the restriction, please see:


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8 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Does the Spotify ToS permit this? I'd lean more to that being the possible cause of the denied gig, but it might have been something else in your gig description or images.

As for the restriction, please see:


Oh yes, they allow it. It´s a very well known thing among musicians and even here on Fiverr there´s hundreds of Gigs offering similar sevices. What is restricted is to offer paid guaranteed Spotify playlist placement - I wonder if I formulated the Gig the right way, but I think yes.

I thought about the issue a lot and the Google Drive thing is the only thing I come up with 😕 

Anyway, thank you for your rection 🙂

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Using google drive and google docs isn't against the terms and conditions, so I doubt that was the issue. I would read through the terms and conditions so you learn the rules - it's possible there was something in the wording of your gig etc that raised a red flag

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