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Cancellation request by buyer




I have a question. Today a buyer came across my gig and placed an order and then he opened a dispute requesting me to accept it. I don't want to accept it because it would affect my order completion rate. It's stated there that the order will automatically be cancelled after 2 days. I want to ask if I don't respond to buyer's dispute what would happen? Will it affect my order delivery time? 


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5 answers to this question

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Does fiverr still get its 20% from a buyer after a client cancels his/her order. I think some clients are taking advantage of this cancellation system because they still get away with the completed work and the seller is left with nothing beside a bad delivery rate. Some buyers are just unreasonable🙇🏼

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16 hours ago, preciousmanci said:

Does fiverr still get its 20% from a buyer after a client cancels his/her order. I think some clients are taking advantage of this cancellation system because they still get away with the completed work and the seller is left with nothing beside a bad delivery rate. Some buyers are just unreasonable🙇🏼

Agree with you and I think Fiverr should review order cancellation system.

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On 1/6/2022 at 8:45 AM, asmanasir22 said:

Today a buyer came across my gig and placed an order and then he opened a dispute requesting me to accept it


On 1/6/2022 at 2:41 PM, preciousmanci said:

Does fiverr still get its 20% from a buyer after a client cancels his/her order. I think some clients are taking advantage of this cancellation system because they still get away with the completed work and the seller is left with nothing beside a bad delivery rate.

Your rant about unreasonable buyers is off topic as this seller didn't even deliver anything to the buyer. If and when this order does get cancelled, the $ will go back to the buyer's Fiverr account. There is no 20% that Fiverr would get on this order as it will not be completed. In fact, the buyer may end up having to lose .50 cents or whatever fee Fiverr assesses buyers when they make an order.

As for the OP -

On 1/6/2022 at 8:45 AM, asmanasir22 said:

It's stated there that the order will automatically be cancelled after 2 days. I want to ask if I don't respond to buyer's dispute what would happen? Will it affect my order delivery time? 

If you do not respond to the buyer's dispute it will cancel after 2 days and will affect your statistics (completed orders). This can either harm your ability to gain orders, move up in the Levels or your position on the pages in your category.

Best bet is to contact Customer Service and let them know what is going on and ask them to cancel this for you so it will not harm your completed orders statistics. I have had to do this, and customer service has always taken care of it within 12 hours. Yes, there are times when you may not hear from them or have things fixed in 12 hours, but, if you are direct, concise and to the point on what you want them to help you with, they usually come through.

Whatever you do, do not just let the order cancel itself - and do NOT agree to cancellation - both will harm your completed orders stats.

Customer service email:



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