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Pending request




Hello I'm new to Fiverr and my request is taking a bit to get approved, I had already made a request that was approved but then I deleted it because I fel it wasn't clear what I wanted. Is that the reason why it's taking more time? 

2 answers to this question

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(I know this post is a bit old, but it's a good question.)

As far as I've seen, Fiverr tends to release requests in batches. If I had to guess, you simply missed a cut-off. This is, of course, based on the assumption that 'a bit' and 'more time' are in terms of hours, rather than days. If your request is taking more than a day to get posted, you might want to check with Customer Support.

Have you read this? https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360050062693-Tips-to-submit-an-effective-Buyer-Request?segment=buyer

One thing not mentioned in that, is that desktop users will only be able to see one uploaded file, so if possible, save everything in your brief to a single PDF.


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