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how I will deal with my stingy buyer

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hey guys I working a stingy buyer. he is my returning buyer and order my gig in regularly. but he is a stingy buyer for me. he always say please give me this in lowest this is not suitable for this kinds of work. and order for one job and get one free when I told about that he always say please help I will give you next time. at the last he never increase his budget in next job. but always give me pain. please help me how I handle this kind of buyer.

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Just say the actual price you're quoting for the jobs he's requesting. If he doesn't agree just politely say you aren't able to work within that budget and let them find another seller who could fit his budget. And then I would say just block the buyer after that if ever he doesn't agree with your prices, he might end up still ordering from you directly.

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you can create an offer that above your current price but you provide more values where the customer feel earnt. Actually some customer stingy because he wants to take some advantage from you. Let him feel he gain more by increasing your price, provide more job you can do. Try to figure out what end results he expect. create a plan for him for example like long term subscription offer where he pay once, you give him unlimited work. There must be reason he is your regular customer, maximise your values with reasonable price. just my opinion.. lol

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He is using you!  If you are new and need the ratings, just tag along for a month or two before telling him anything.  But if you are well established, make an amount and tell him you cannot make it less.  What I would do is politely explain to him how long it took you to do the last order.  Tell him that you are already offering way below your normal rates.  Another thing to consider, why do people do freelancing?  Answer: To make a profile or income.  So do you really want someone who is going to pay little for a lot of hard work?  No!  

So it is entirely up to you!  Don't feel threatened be polite but firm.  He knows underneath that he is squeezing you dry and trying to get very cheap labor.  

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