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CS were great :-)


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I have been involved in plenty of Fiverr seems to suck threads so it is only fair I post this:

I had someone insta-buy one of my gigs overnight. Sadly he did not speak to me first as if he had it would have been a lot clearer that what he wanted was not at all what I do. While the term “remix” has the word Mix in it, there is a big difference in the result - as in 12" Dance Mix remix which is all about hacking up the song which is not in my range - esp for Rappy stuff.

I went to CS asking for a no-fault cancellation seeing I just could not deliver what was really wanted and a few hours later a nice email from Niles (I’m thinking Frasier’s brother even tho his image suggests otherwise lol) and bing! Sorted.

Public thanks to CS for being so easy to deal with and solving the problem easily for both of us.


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Did CS prompt you to first engage the mutual cancellation process or notify the buyer that you were unable to complete the order?

I had to with my shooting-crazed crypto pyramid scheme loving recent nightmare buyer.

Yeah but find me anyone who didn’t want to see you firin’ them guns off whilst stampin’ yer feet and yellin’ yee haw?

No, thankfully I had no issues. I had already tried to clarify or ask for a way forward and only gotten a stripe of stroppiness blaming me. I showed the conversation (or lack thereof - and hoped they would note the tone of tone in the last response) and made it clear that this was not a thing I offered based on the wording in the Gig. Plus if the buyer had spoken to me first I would have declined as there was no way I could ever deliver what he wanted. I kept it very unemotional (hard for me dag nammit).

I also may have gotten a bit lucky.

Either way a sad occurrence but the right outcome (which may still let me get my L1 this month 😃 )


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