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Will delay by buyer beyond milestone time affect my rating?


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Will delay by buyer beyond milestone time affect my rating?
I have a 2-day Milestone time limit on one of my gigs. I sent several long messages with questions for the buyer to answer, but only received 2 one-sentence messages back over the course of those 2 days. I tried to “deliver” milestone 1, but the buyer requested a delay. Now on day 4, the buyer is beginning to respond, but my problem is the Fiverr program is saying I am overdue on the delivery.
I do believe that the buyer is beginning to respond as necessary, but milestone 1 is still open, and time is passing.
What should I do now? Will this affect my Fiverr rating?

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Milestone orders are not as well known as regular orders. As long as your buyer is alright with the delay, I would say to try not to panic. It might be possible for them to cancel due to a ‘Very Late’ order, but I don’t know for sure. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360049216034-How-do-I-cancel-a-very-late-order?segment=buyer

If you decide to request a time extension through the resolution center, be SURE to include the time that has already passed in the request in addition to the extra time you think you’ll need to finish. (The math and timer includes negatives in the calculation.) Be sure to keep your buyer informed, even if they don’t reply back.

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