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Avoiding commercial rights


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Hi there!

I have just run into some inquiries recently, where the potential buyers state that they will come back and purchase commercial rights for the image (I am an illustrator), only if they like the finished artwork and end up actually using it. (in these cases I am mentioning, the latter does not happen within the timeframe the order is active for, therefore, I can not add it as an extra before having them accept the order)

How would you handle situations like these? I mean, I get their standpoints too, but in reality, I have no capacity to follow up each and every person - checking to see if they end up using the images for their business or not.

Let me know your opinions on the matter!

Thank you!


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I have no capacity to follow up each and every person

Exactly! You shouldn’t have the burden of follow up or hoping that they’ll honestly reach back out to you.

I’d insist on commercial rights being bought initially. Any potential for the illustration being used commercially, in my opinion, calls for commercial rights.

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