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Late Deliveries...Consequences


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I received an order from a buyer to create a video for his product. The order was created and the clock started ticking of course. It took two weeks for his product to arrive, and the time expired before this… so I tried over and over to contact the buyer to extend the time, but he was no where to be found… therefore, I starting to see this warning message that late deliveries can cause your gig to not show up as much…

I contacted support, but because I had already sent the request to the buyer, I was told there was nothing they could do… that it was up to the buyer to agree to it. Well, finally, after the 5th day of beling late, and still no product to work with, he got back online and saw my request and agreed to the extended time… However, even though he did, I still continue to see this message everytime I log onto Fiverr. It’s the same warning message that I’m going to get 10% less views because of the late delivery…

So my question is… will that still affect my gig, even though he did agree to extend that order time… will that 5 days late affect me from here on out… or will it be wiped away from my record, since he agreed finally to extend the order and took it out of “late” status?

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