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So I believe a lot of us are familiar with the
“Give me your best price” line from not-so-potential buyers.

I always respond in the same way, I tell them that there is no “best” price, the price I offer is clearly mentioned in the gig description. If they say they want a discount, I tell them that it would be unfair towards the other buyers who pays in full.
Then they will bust out the good old “But I will give you more jobs in the future” line,
and that’s when I hit the sayonara button.

The other day I got a similar message, but this time it was different.
Well, it was basically the same, but the person was very, VERY honest and straightforward.

He said “I want the cheapest, lowest price because I don’t want to pay too much.
You’re rates are too expensive.”

While I somewhat admired how honest he was about what he wanted, I didn’t enjoy the additional line at the end, so I told him no and blocked him.

Not sure if he was intentionally try to p*ss me off, or he really thought it was OK to say stuff like that :thinking:

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When selling cars I once had a person, who pretended to be a price from his foreign place, test drive a somewhat expensive sports car (it was a weapon). He drove it so badly I was scared he was going to lunch it. His GF hit him when we got out.

Anyway, he and his large mates, who materialized after the drive, backed me against the showroom and proceeded to berate me over the price of this new purchase against the price of a used one up the street. We knew that used car, it was a write off after the manufacturer WRC rallied it and popped the chassis. I made it clear that if he wanted to pay that price they were not welcome on my property seeing he was not being remotely rational, or polite.

The upshot of it was that the Prince of Pusillanimous went and purchased that write-off and tried bringing it to us to get warranty (despite it being too old). We were more than happy to tell him again that this was not a car that should ever be in public and we never wanted to see it again.

As an aside, I later sold a car to a real price from a similar land. He was such a lovely chap I almost wished I had a sister to introduce them.

The moral of these stories is that such pustulent pestilential people exist but they never prosper. Especially if we don’t pander to their perturbations.


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When selling cars I once had a person, who pretended to be a price from his foreign place, test drive a somewhat expensive sports car (it was a weapon). He drove it so badly I was scared he was going to lunch it. His GF hit him when we got out.

Anyway, he and his large mates, who materialized after the drive, backed me against the showroom and proceeded to berate me over the price of this new purchase against the price of a used one up the street. We knew that used car, it was a write off after the manufacturer WRC rallied it and popped the chassis. I made it clear that if he wanted to pay that price they were not welcome on my property seeing he was not being remotely rational, or polite.

The upshot of it was that the Prince of Pusillanimous went and purchased that write-off and tried bringing it to us to get warranty (despite it being too old). We were more than happy to tell him again that this was not a car that should ever be in public and we never wanted to see it again.

As an aside, I later sold a car to a real price from a similar land. He was such a lovely chap I almost wished I had a sister to introduce them.

The moral of these stories is that such pustulent pestilential people exist but they never prosper. Especially if we don’t pander to their perturbations.


His GF hit him when we got out.

That line just made my day :rofl:

Now tell me, did she hit the dude with her fist, or with her purse!?

(Oh BTW I’m so glad that others didn’t get hurt.)

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His GF hit him when we got out.

That line just made my day :rofl:

Now tell me, did she hit the dude with her fist, or with her purse!?

(Oh BTW I’m so glad that others didn’t get hurt.)

She did it with her purse. It was the best thing.

He had her rolling around in the back of the car. Luckily I had the Recaro seat in the front holding me in.

I was really worried that he was going to do us in as he could barely use the gear box and was probably hitting 120kph in a 70 zone, in traffic! If he could drive, I would barely have cared but clearly he could not drive at all.

I had another fellow in the 1.5l version of that car winding it out well past 100kph in 3rd and I didn’t care at all. He drove with a real grace. The only thing that bothered me was that the more he drove and pushed this wee car, the more upset he got. He was driving it for his wife who I met at a car show. It turned out that he had a Honda hot hatch and my stock car (with body kit) was holding up exceedingly well, despite a SOHC 1.5. They bought, were lovely customers and later he traded his red rocket so they had a matching pair of cars.


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