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Need Advice and Feedback


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Hi there! I’m new to Fiverr and the freelance world in general. I have been a member snce early November I think but it wasnt until recently that I finally published my Gigs. I was wondering if anyone would like to check them out and give me some feedback and advices on how it looks, how I can improve, and how I can promote it (I already tried my social media accounts). I have linked both my Gigs down bellow if you would like to take a look and share some thoughts with me. I thank you all in advance.



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Hi! I checked your first gig. It’s a good thing to add a video. But you should use images too. I have seen many buyers who searched for a keyword and chose a seller based on just the pictures shown on the profile.

Also, I think it will be better if you reduced your pricing a little bit. Buyers like newcomers with low price in most cases.

Besides all that, be active, keep sending out engaging buyer requests and you will be getting showered with orders in no time! I hope this was helpful to you. Happy freelancing!

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language to another beign native to only one of them. My work consist in translating, editing and proofreading any documents/file for both personal and professional use, making sure its accurate, and that it meets your needs


language to another being native to only one of them. My work consists of translating, editing, and proofreading any documents/file for both personal and professional use, making sure it’s accurate, and that it meets your needs

Grammarly will be your friend 😉


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