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GREAT BUYING TIP ON FAKE reviews, testimonials, etc

Guest fiveonchris101

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Guest fiveonchris101

i understand your business or self or interest might NEED A BOOST.

DO NOT BUY fake amazon reviews, fake reviews, facebook likes and fake video testimonials

… some may say, it might only lead to a site ban on say amazon or facebook, some say screw it, i’ll just launch another site if they take the one with fraud down… please take a moment and read carefully what i have to explain

THE REASONS I STATE such, it’s unethical, it’s deceptive, it’s against fiverr policy to BUY fake amazon reviews, fake reviews, facebook likes and fake video testimonials because it’s against policy of sites like amazon, google, youtube, facebook, and even states, federal, and most countries have laws, statues and policies against such practice.

do you think i’m joking? do you think i’m trying to scare you? no i’m not, i’m trying to help you make the RIGHT CHOICE.

i recommend doing a simple google search of the phrases in quotes and heed my advice… … it’s not just in America, most countries around the world have similar policies

"FTC Slaps $250,000 Fine on Bogus Online Reviews"

"ftc guidelines for testimonial reviews Harvard law review"

or "ftc .com disclosures"

or "Wall Street Journal Paid Tweeters Beware: The FTC is Watching "

or try searching "Are You Disclosing? What You Need to Know about FTC Rules and Social Media"

or a mashable article "FTC to Fine Bloggers up to $11,000 for Not Disclosing Payments"

YOU CAN DRIVE BUSINESS with ethical practices… I can give you tips in private messages on how to do such without breaking policy or worse laws


It’s funny to read all the negative bias toward “Likes” gigs. Not sure about reviews, that’s totally different. gigs.

You know. Now everyone sells FAKE likes or Bots. I don’t. Over 2 years and thousands of gigs later I don’t have 1 negative review. (Knock on wood). Not one negative thumb.

I don’t provide fake Likes. I promote (To my personal network of peers) pages until they get the required amount of likes.

The bias around the immediate Fiverr community is that everyone who offers this service is a scammer, and that this type of service should not be allowed. Why is that? We’re not all scammers you know.

fiveonchris101 said: it's unethical,

Why is it?

Would you have ethical issues promoting your Facebook page through a newspaper or magazine ad? Or how about a TV commercial? Flyers on cars? Radio?

" All these services are done by people who get paid to do them "

How about all those ads you watch on TV that say "Like us on Facebook"? I guess they are all unethical?

" Unethical comes from "how" someone provides a service. Not from the service itself. "
fiveonchris101 said: it's against fiverr policy to BUY facebook likes

Actually. It's not. Let me explain.

It "IS" against the TOS to buy likes. But it's "NOT" against the TOS to "pay someone to promote your Fan page". Getting Likes being the end result.

* I challenge anyone to Find anything on Facebook saying that "paying someone to promote your page" is against the rules. You won't. Because it's not. *

Again. Big difference between buying Fake likes and promoting a page to get likes.

The problem comes from sellers abusing the system for a quick buck. Fake accounts. I agree. Get rid of them all.

Likes drop? That's because Facebook deletes fake accounts. Anything 'Liked' by a fake account becomes un-liked... because the account is deleted!

So then. IS there anything good about a "GOOD" Likes service? Well yes. Here's a few good points.

- Vanity URL.
- Anylitics.
- SEO results. (With real likes only)
- A slight boost in numbers.
- Nobody wants to be the first to a party. That's the same for likes. Nobody wants to be the first person to like a page. A few onboard help. A lot.

Just don't abuse it.

Back to the bias thing. Not everyone selling Likes is a crook or scammer. Like anything else. There are the good and the bad.

Reply to @bigbadbilly:

Don’t bother with this guy Billy.

This is his fifth or sixth thread on this - he’s massively uneducated about what industry terms mean, what the laws are, etc. The whole deal.

He’ll step in and claim you’re suffering from a ‘twisted mind’ now, and that he knows more than you do about this sort of stuff, and if you’ll only Google his mainstream media articles that are only peripherally related to what he’s talking about they will set you straight.

I just did his whole song and dance for you and saved you 15m of reading his replies. Feel free to tip me by buying an empty gig for the saved time haha :))


Ha ha ha. Thanks @brandontvedt.

Good to know. But, that post was a general one for everyone. Not that I suspect many will read it. And ya. I know my post may seem a little self-serving. But to be honest? I take pride in what I do and I finally decided to open my trap and say something. Being labelled a scammer by the overall community by way of the gigs I sell kind of bugs me. Even though I know they’re not personal attacks. And to a point, I understand the frustration of some unhappy buyers, and the caution that should always be exercised when using Likes gigs. But man. Enough already! LOL.

Any wait! I AM suffering from a Twisted Mind!!!

@ebitda - It all comes down to the same song and dance. You can pay someone to promote a youtube video. Sure. Getting it views. Sure. No rule breaking there. But buying fake views? That’s another story.

Guest fiveonchris101

@brandontvedt it’s clear you have a PERSONAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST and non neutral viewpoint on the matter and are biased against me or/and the fiverr policies mentioned.

you have stated your case, your soapbox of personal conflict, abuse, and trolling of my post is clear.

I respect that you oppose my position and or that you that you MAY support others violating policy.

I ask that you refrain from your pseudo elitist and personal attacks. IT’S BULLY LIKE to troll me with libelous remarks. all i have done in this discussion is state why buyers should refrain buying such items in the topic and provide information to help educate them, there is NO reason for your VENOM, it’s unsubstantiated and irrelevant from the facts that i have stated regarding this discussion topic

you have stated your case, you have stated you DON’T like my position . if you have FACTS supporting or against the statements i have made regarding the fiverr violations of THIS DISCUSSION “BUYING FAKE reviews, testimonials, etc” simply STATE THEM to benefit the cause of the discussion not your distaste for me as a user.

I DOUBT YOU DO HAVE ANY FACTS SUPPORT AN OPPOSING POSITION, BECAUSE I PROVIDED FACTS for users to research which are helpful for buyers and sellers to judge themselves. this forum is wide open on THIS TOPIC, if you want to start your own discussion, simply go head

edited at 3:50 EST 03/18/2014


@fiveonchris101 - Nothing about anything in my post? Or did you skip over that?

Oh. Just need to edit this in…

Your attempt at a neutral and smart response to @brandontvedt was good… up until this.

fiveonchris101 said: I respect that you oppose my position and you support others violating policy.

In that one sentence you destroyed your own neutrality. You start with saying How you respect that he opposes your position... then you finish with a slander. By saying that he supports violating the rules... even though he never once said anything on violating any rules.

So in effect. You started out smart and casual and ended as a troll.

Guest fiveonchris101

duly noted. i stand corrected on the matter @bigbadbilly stated at the end of his last comment and openly apologize for lack of better judgement, in hindsight i should have refrained from such remark. I openly apologize for such off the cuff remark.

Guest fiveonchris101


I apologize to breeze by your comment, I do generally reply in chronical order and was planning to reply, i’m happy to voice a reply to some of your questions…

let me know which one or two you’d like to hear my opinion or knowledge on the matter



I guess the only real point is this.

First. After looking yourself, and finding no rules on Facebook for actually paying someone to promote a page to get likes, do you still find the process the same as buying Likes? Essentially you are buying Likes, just not fake ones. The difference simply being the words “Promote your page” vs “Send you”.

And the second.

If you agree, or don’t agree to the previous question. Do you still consider it unethical. And if you do, factoring in that every brand pays someone else to make a commercial, radio spot or newspaper ad using the term: “Like us on Facebook” then how could it be any more unethical than any other ad campaign ever started or finished in the world?

And again. I’d like to point out that I’m not talking about reviews or anything like that.

Guest fiveonchris101

@bigbadbilly to my knowledge (although i’m not 100% certain on the matter in which you are differentiating the two of promoting and buying fake likes) facebook has a fine line on the matter though. it’s a slippery slope if you ask me… I know companies like facebook have preferred partners programs that have been vetted for such to fit within their criteria such you are stating.

although the cost of doing such program may be more than some like to pay, i don’t believe such preferred partner program are shakedowns like yelp or the BBB been outed for and state attorneys general office complaints filed against.

if it was my corporation I was a officer of or how i made revenue I would consult a legal professional who is experienced on the matter or a trade organization to make sure i had a proper policy and TOC / TOS and documentation to protect and release me or hold me and my company harmless from liability on the matter

I consider any deceptive practice unethical if such person or company is intentionally misleading a consumer for profit and gain.


Reply to @bigbadbilly: He told me on another thread that if I design a banner ad for a company I wouldn’t personally buy from then I could be engaged in criminal activity because of “laws that govern these matters”. Vague, uncited laws of course.

Guest fiveonchris101

Reply to @jtengle: each state and countries have different laws on advertising or taken part in a malicious advertising piece. in your case the bestsolution with be contact the local government department such as a department of consumer services or business and professional regulations or even a local trade organization or even better an experienced attorney knowledgeable on the matter.

not listing copyrights

company license numbers

and more in advertisements banners items can effect consumer judgement and could be considered deception.

the best solution is to have agreements to hold you harmless to protect you from liability or no engage in such actions.

fiverr itself has polices to help itself against unlawful users and users who act maliciously


I’ve started to sell actual facebook likes, however, I make my method public, so you can verify the source and quality of the product. 😃


@fiveonchris101 you have a point though, an easy way to find out whether the likes are real is to look at the post activity. I find it annoying when people try to sell me fake likes, for that reason I had to disable the messaging on my page.



Youtube just deleted one of my videos for violation of terms. The seller was supposed to send drip views over a month. He started well, giving drip view and suddenly stopped after a week and then towards the end of his delivery period he got over enthusiastic and gave too many views which got me banned. Now I have lost what I had and youtube has uploaded it to a different url. Just be careful on all the offers about safe views and the stuff. They are not safe. Fiverr should ban such sellers who are giving them a bad name.


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