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How to growth daily click and how


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1 share through facebook
there was somany groups in facebook to promote freelansers skills. surch and join some of the group and post your gig on thire daily.

2 promote in twiter
search in twitter for your work and comment under thire post your gig link.

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The above is a myth.

Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Specific to your situation, please see (DES) point 1:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

There are also a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section.

Please keep updates in the same thread. It’s against the Community Standards & Forum Rules - 2020 to create duplicate threads. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken.

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