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SELLERS instructions page: any ideas?


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I have a video gig with a lot of available versions, gig extras and many variables to consider.

I noticed that 3 out of 10 orders either mess up the instructions or fill out my text form all wrong.

The instructions page does not allow me the length I need to cover everything.

I created a super cool google form for each one of the versions I offer, but I contacted CS and they told me that they don’t allow google forms.

Any other sellers out there have any tips? Are pdf files allowed? I mean when I get an order am I allowed to send that buyer a pdf form for him to fill out depending on what gig extra he/she ordered?

How are you handling complicated instructions on complicated gigs?

Any help would be appreciated.

thank you

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @ frank_d,

Just curious to know if you ever found out if forms of any type are allowed to send to your buyers?

I would also like to use a fillable pdf form to send to buyers, for a more detailed description of what they are getting and what kind of information that I need from them.

Any advice is appreciated 🙂

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