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It's just annoying

Guest antomtjvc

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Guest antomtjvc

I know. I always mention - if you are in a strong niche like me, the rating “almost” doesn’t matter.

Since I’ve been doing this, I sleep better too.
Whether it says level 1 or level 2 here - I didn’t see any difference.

However… If I had managed to become level 2 again.

Boom - if someone comes online, books my gig, doesn’t read anything. (Not even the title)

image1047×855 174 KB

How many times should I write in that I only write German?

Book the big package - incl. 24h shipping and only then will he notice that he needs it in English.

Canceling through CS is not possible. They don’t answer within 24 hours anyway. So he would have the possibility to cancel you and give me a 1* review.

Self canceled - Rating down. <90%.

Hello Level 0.

Or - with my open orders, maybe it’ll run out anyway. Unless another crazy guy orders and is too stupid to read meaningfully.

Thanks for listening.


P.s.: I wrote to CS. Simply because I wanted to vent my frustration.

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Guest antomtjvc

The gig description must also be in English. (Did anyone here in the forum once said)
So - in my opinion - the title should not be in German either. Although many do.

Because I once gave this as a tip. My post was deleted afterwards.

Besides: About 40% of my sales come from English speaking people.

But they can read.

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The gig description must also be in English. (Did anyone here in the forum once said)

So - in my opinion - the title should not be in German either. Although many do.

Because I once gave this as a tip. My post was deleted afterwards.

Besides: About 40% of my sales come from English speaking people.

But they can read.

Then go half half. Write the first part of the description in German. Maybe it will confuse them, maybe? maybe also in the title start with german and then just ad English as “decoration”.

Do you communicate with buyers only in german? Do you offer translation and CV development? Or must the data be delivered in german?

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The gig description must also be in English. (Did anyone here in the forum once said)

So - in my opinion - the title should not be in German either. Although many do.

Because I once gave this as a tip. My post was deleted afterwards.

Besides: About 40% of my sales come from English speaking people.

But they can read.

The gig description must also be in English.

See this:


Gig descriptions in English are mandatory. You can use additional languages as long as all the information is also available in English.

Translators sometimes have some text in 1 language and the same text in English.

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Guest antomtjvc

1200 characters is too short.
How to pick up a potential customer well here and sell him something?

Should I just write Mek Sell in it - that’s not possible either.

But - I think you gave me an idea. Actually only the first two lines should be exchanged.

German Native Speakers don’t have to stand there in English.

And it creates enough confusion for our would-be buyers who have the attention span of a fly.

Thank you! Both @uk1000 @marinapomorac

P.s.: My buyers write to me in English, German and Croatian. Many do not know German.

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1200 characters is too short.

How to pick up a potential customer well here and sell him something?

Should I just write Mek Sell in it - that’s not possible either.

But - I think you gave me an idea. Actually only the first two lines should be exchanged.

German Native Speakers don’t have to stand there in English.

And it creates enough confusion for our would-be buyers who have the attention span of a fly.

Thank you! Both @uk1000 @marinapomorac

P.s.: My buyers write to me in English, German and Croatian. Many do not know German.

Then why not get professional thumbnail made in German (Big letters CV in German) instead of CV sample that can not be read (to small), or add PDF file all in German, something that will stand out.

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Guest antomtjvc

The part with the thumbnail is correct. These are actually only photos of templates I use.

English names and Lorem Ipsum are confusing.

Thanks for the tip - here I have to think of something more professional. Actually I am working on a video right now.

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You could also make the “review your CV” (the basic package) into a separate gig as that’s not really doing what it says in the gig title which is to create a CV (or call it “proofread your CV” if that’s safer).

Also in your gig images you could say “Text in the delivered CV will be in German” or something (if putting all the text in the gig image in German isn’t allowed).

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The part with the thumbnail is correct. These are actually only photos of templates I use.

English names and Lorem Ipsum are confusing.

Thanks for the tip - here I have to think of something more professional. Actually I am working on a video right now.

I just searched for “german resume” and your images are resumes in English ( I can see words profile education work experience).

If I was buying the one that attracts me the most and I would click on it to find out more is the one with German flag colors.

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Guest antomtjvc

You could also make the “review your CV” (the basic package) into a separate gig as that’s not really doing what it says in the gig title which is to create a CV (or call it “proofread your CV” if that’s safer).


Also in your gig images you could say “Text in the delivered CV will be in German” or something (if putting all the text in the gig image in German isn’t allowed).

Yes - but then I would have to think about the third package.

Only 2 - you can’t choose, can you?

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Guest antomtjvc

The part with the thumbnail is correct. These are actually only photos of templates I use.

English names and Lorem Ipsum are confusing.

Thanks for the tip - here I have to think of something more professional. Actually I am working on a video right now.

See above. You are right - thanks for the tip! This will surely confuse some people.

The part with the thumbnail is correct. These are actually only photos of templates I use.

English names and Lorem Ipsum are confusing.

Thanks for the tip - here I have to think of something more professional. Actually I am working on a video right now.

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Guest antomtjvc

Proofreading and reviewing are actually not even necessary. (Do not bring money)

I might have to change the whole package.

Basic - Resume 1 page
Standard curriculum vitae 2 pages
Premium - Resume 3 pages

Extra page: + $

Now I just need time for this.

Far too many orders open.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest antomtjvc


I said I won’t be online for a while - I think it was also 2 months. But now I need your support. 😃

I changed my Gigs and Everything. Got some good sales etc.
My turnover is also about $2,000 a month.

I have made new gig photos. made videos. Etc. Etc.

My problem is: I find the gig photos better than the video. (Bad cut etc. etc.)

My question to you 2: @marinapomorac @uk1000

What is more authentic? Should I take the videos out? In my opinion, the photo with the DACH room says more at first sight?

Best regards,


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Guest antomtjvc


I said I won’t be online for a while - I think it was also 2 months. But now I need your support. 😃

I changed my Gigs and Everything. Got some good sales etc.

My turnover is also about $2,000 a month.

I have made new gig photos. made videos. Etc. Etc.

My problem is: I find the gig photos better than the video. (Bad cut etc. etc.)

My question to you 2: @marinapomorac @uk1000

What is more authentic? Should I take the videos out? In my opinion, the photo with the DACH room says more at first sight?

Best regards,



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Both videos are OK, could use some “fancy editing” but even like this are OK and proper.

Photos are perfect.

And 2000$ turnover?


And regarding profile photo, I do not mind, it is not in my culture, but if you check:

Cultural variations

In much of the world, pointing with the index finger is considered rude or disrespectful, especially pointing to a person. Pointing with the left hand is taboo in some cultures. Pointing with an open hand is considered more polite or respectful in some contexts.

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I’d keep the videos but maybe edit them differently as suggested as you are right, some of the cuts stand out. Or it could be re-shot if that makes it easier. Maybe what is said in the videos could also be changed if it helps. But I think having the video helps more than a gig image alone.

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Guest antomtjvc

Ohh - Thank you for the information regarding intercultural differences. I honestly didn’t think about that. Maybe I should reconsider that photo.

Yep - $2.000 monthly.

But I do not want to earn more on Fiverr either. At the moment I focus on my own website.

Here I can get orders without a lot of competition.


I will try to shoot the whole video again without cut. Maybe only one.

I have the equipment at home - should be no problem.

And maybe the thumbnail of the video including the German - Austria - Switzerland map. Then I would have all advantages at first sight.

Thanks again for your help. - It brings me a lot of progress.

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