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Fiverr client won't log on


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I started a 3 part order 2 weeks ago, every thing was fine until recently. The client hasn’t logged in in 3 days, (soon to be 4) and I have no IDEA what to do. I’m due to complete the offer today and I haven’t heard anything. please help if you know what to do in this situation.

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Just deliver what you have, and if they dispute it just show that they hadn’t responded, same thing happened to me.

I know you’re in a tricky position but please be aware that if you do deliver incomplete work (for whatever reason) it’s against Fiverr’s terms of service:

Using the “Deliver Work” button when an Order was not fulfilled may result in a cancellation of that Order after review, affect the Seller’s rating and result in a warning to Seller.

I hope this doesn’t happen, but if the order goes into dispute for any reason and customer support see that you’ve delivered unfinished work to ‘get around the system’ then it’s unlikely to work in your favour.

Message customer support now and explain the situation you’re facing. When they review the case they will be able to see that you’ve made efforts to contact your buyer, but they’ve not responded.

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