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A VERY SERIOUS CONCERN I NOTED LATELY Gig copying and its effects


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Has anyone seen the madness thats currently going on the search recommended tab lately I think some changes have been made on the search process as this never happened in 2013, if you search for youtube views, or facebook likes or twitter followers for example, you will note that a new bunch of uncreative sellers have discovered and invaded a loophole in the system to get 1st page presence and they went ahead and copied the gig title of some of the original sellers and over saturated that page with the same gig repetition to an extend you cant find any diversity or creativity I wish fiver could crack the whip and protect creative users from having their Gig title being stolen or copied in mass thus infringing on ones creativity and intellectual property rights.

for example when you search for youtube views what most sellers mostly frequent from 2 particular locations now seem to be the only ones that appear on the recommended tab, when you search for youtube views. You will note a particular trend emerging making it very clear that its actually the same guys creating the same accounts under different names just to flood the Recommended tab search page.

All they did was copy the gig title of a top rated user that had those key words initially and the same sellers create an eliase and mass create accounts that sell the same thing with the same gig title cutting off the other sellers who seem to be pushed further and further away from gig visibility thus killing diversity and creativity. you will see things like “I will youtube views” or 5000 youtube views" repeated over and over again. Fiverr needs to create some sanity to encourage fair competition by sweeping and cleaning up such sellers from the recommended tab. they need to have a feature when creating a gig that once a unique gig title has been created it cannot allow another user to copy another users Gig title. This will protect users and encourage unique creativity when coming up with Gig titles and give buyers a greater level of choice to sample from.

This is very urgent as its killing healthy competition and is keeping some of the long serving pro sellers that take this as a careener to shut down or simply frustrated out of work as we dont have fair visibility to make any sales.

Please look into this as its seriously killing the spirit of respectful and creative competition Fiverr should URGENTLY only allow unique gigs on the recommended tab not sellers that chose not to be creative and simply go for shortcuts by simply copying the gig title of a highly rated seller that’s so unfair and should be highly discouraged.

Its very easy to tell who owns a certain Gig title just by judging when it was created or how long the seller has been on fiverr and protect our old mentors and colleagues that have inspired most of us that now seem to have been cut off by newbie’s who just copy their creative work and thoughts that were put into this.


When I search for youtube views there aren’t all indians etc. Sure, there are a lot, but then again there are a lot of people from Bangladesh/India on the internet aswell. Are you suggesting Fiverr gives people from Europe/US preferential treatment?

It’s not like selling youtube views is a very unique idea. Basically anyone can do it, so isn’t it then to be expected that others will copy the idea? If you really want to avoid competition, I suggest you come up with something unique that would set you apart. That’s how capitalism works, I’m afraid.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience we all do hope Fiverr can do something Urgently to arrest the emerging trend thats threatening already established sellers who remain vulnerable to such practices.

Fiverr Please Help us


Reply to @doomdidoom: Thank you so much for your view how ever I would like to point out that the issue is not YOUTUBE VIEWS IN GENERAL what we are pointing out is that a gig title should be unique and one should not just wake up one day and copy one’s Gig title or gig description, Fiverr must allow for creativity and it must be encouraged so that we give the buyers a wider diversity of services.

also respecting the intellectual property of other users is very important I once had a situation when my profile picture was used by another seller deceiving buyers that he was me.

Just so wrong and this should stop 🙂


Hmm I didn’t know people actually took other peoples’ images etc too. That, I agree, is just plain wrong and should be dealt with. But copying a general idea isn’t something you can really protect against. That’s why in the real world we have patents, and even with patents there are many different brands offering similar products 🙂

The only way to stay ahead is to innovate or be better than your peers.

Also, fiverr’s titles are way too short to only allow for a single use of it. That would just not be practical. You could have someone who’s not been on fiverr for years but would still have the title in use. Or people registering as many titles as they can and then offering them for sale or try to block competition that way…

I still think the best sollution would be to make your services stand out from those of others. I basicly have the same gig as many other people, but my style and approach is different enough to guarantee me buyers. (you probably can’t see my gig now since I’ve suspended it) There’s more than enough to go around here.

Or at least that’s the way I see it… you don’t HAVE to agree 😉

I actually like healthy competition. It forces you to leave your comfort zone and rethink what it is you’re doing to get ahead. That’s how we learn best.


Reply to @madmoo: hahaha well yeah… if someone does that he deserves the boot 🙂

I’m not so sure about coming up ahead established gigs though. I’m fairly new here and had to claw my way up to a higher position by doing gigs. And I probably have the same title as some other people. Perhaps not word for word though…

Well yes. I can agree that the search/rating systems need a look at, (along with a number of other things) but the OP seemed to opt more for preferential treatment. And although I think hard working, established sellers deserve a place at the top of the ladder, that shouldn’t be abused either. Fiverr would stop functioning if it turned into a monopolized system.

On another note madmoo, I was curious how you set up your camera to do those stopmotion videos. Do you use a tripod? (don’t worry, I’m not gonna rip you off. I’m heading more in an infographic direction ;))


@dataguruz It’s ironic that as I searched youtube views, although many of the ones you mentioned came before your gig. I clicked your gig, NOT knowing it was your gig because of the unique picture of woman and child. After I saw the name of the seller on that gig, I said, "wait that’s the name of the person in the forum post."

The point I’m making is that you Gig is somehow unique because of YOUR photo.


Reply to @madmoo: I agree with you 100000 x i million % its not right that most established buyers should have a copycat to just come and your Gig description word for word and actually ends up riding on your ratings and even ends up way ahead of you… so unprofessional if you asked me


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