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Today was a good day


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Yea, they must have at least 15% of the entire user base opening that email each week. My gig was just a small thumbnail towards the bottom and STILL raked in over 80 orders for the day. Trust me, I’m not bragging either… I won’t have time to sleep for the next 3 days. Very grateful though. I’ll keep you updated!

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RE: Nightowls – Say what you will about Donald Trump, but I have lived my life around one important quote of his: "My competitors sleep 8 hours a night. That’s why I sleep 4…"

PS: If you guys are interested, I’ll keep you updated here on the saga of me trying to complete over 90 orders in 48 hours. So far, all on schedule!

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Congratulations Peter!!

Today was a good day for me to read your post because I’m inspired to work even harder. My fingers hurt sometimes from the amount of web design work that I do. I purchased a better mouse to support them better so I can work without my fingers being in pain.

Good luck over the next 48 hours, and be sure to break for healthy snacks. 🙂

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I really wish Fiverr would rephrase the “REJECTED” icon. I just had a woman request a slight modification to her order. She went on about how impressed she was with my writing style and how perfect it all was. Just needed one sentence about her cat! But when I log into my sales page and see that bright red “REJECTED” badge, it ruins my whole day! My goodness…

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Wow, congrats! 80 gigs in a day is quite the feat, especially because your gig is personalized for each client - unlike those automated gigs that require so little effort. I am working on streamlining my gigs with an online designer (Design your own Button) so I can focus on making buttons, not designing them. Using the funds from fiverr to pay for this website.

Keep it up!

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Good question, calocedrus. New gigs deserve a chance, though. If only popular gigs were featured on the homepage, the marketplace would get stale quickly. My two most-popular gigs receive about 5 orders a day consistently. When I login to see 15 or 20 new orders, I can only assume I spent a few minutes on the homepage that day, got mentioned on Facebook or perhaps a newsletter nod.

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