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Bad experience with a customer


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It really is sort of mind boggling to get a negative review when you know you did the same great work you always do.

It does lead me to wonder what is going on with the psychology of people who do this. The human mind never fails to amaze me. I could never leave a review like that person did.

He paid a $2 fee to fiverr and put that in the review as if that was too much and the seller got it? I wonder if he really thinks that somehow the seller was responsible.

I see this as deliberately leaving a bad review for some kind of personal gratification. He saw the amount he was going to pay before he agreed to the sale.

I think it’s buyer’s remorse and for some, the money they spend is all they are thinking about after they buy something. I don’t know how else to explain it.

I think it’s buyer’s remorse and for some, the money they spend is all they are thinking about after they buy something. I don’t know how else to explain it.

This is true and really scary when they are more concerned about a small amount of money than the project that should have inestimable value.

Can’t change minds, can’t kill em so you can only shake your head. And try to recognize the signs next time and shut em down before they get to play their sad little games.


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  • 3 years later...

Same thing happened to me....

I opened a new logo design store on fiverr and got a first customer. He speaks Chinese and I am also a native Chinese. He sends me a document with his demands and strictly indicates colors, shapes, layout of words, and an accurate script of what his logo should look like. At first, I thought it is a easy job because I just need to follow his document. But then, something weird happened.... I asked him a question about his logo demands ("Hi sir, do you want your business name in English or Chinese?") and he responded directly "Look at the script!" with a very rude attitude. I can only make logos strictly same as his script.

I delivered my works and told him I can review until he gets satisfied. He didn't reply a word and just give me 1 out of 5 stars because of "poor quality"....And he also graded my gig description 2 out of 5 because I cannot understand what he said....

Because he is my first customer, my gig score is now 1 out of 5.... I closed my gig and deleted that account...



Edited by sunica
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