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Delivered, not paid and blocked


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Guest fynwriter

Report himself for what? He did NOT deliver his file OFF of the Fiverr platform, he used the Fiverr message system to send a file. There are NO rules against this. If there is, perhaps you can copy/paste them here from the TOS. I can see if he had sent this file through his own personal site/email etc to the buyers personal email or other contact outside of Fiverr, but this is not what occurred. So, I doubt he is going to be reporting anything nefarious here on behalf of himself.

I had a client who ordered a reading - turned out I felt that she deserved more after how the chart looked and offered a FREE horary chart when she had a burning question in the future. Mind you, this is a really good client who has made many purchases. I felt it was the right thing to do. So, about a month or so later, she had a new question on another topic, and I wrote it up and delivered the file for FREE through the messaging system, much like the OP did. If I choose to give an extra or freebie for whatever reason, that is my business.

So, I am not sure how you think this guy is going to get himself reported. Let’s say YOU were going to report him, just so I can understand where you are coming from - what would you be reporting him for? Perhaps I will get what you are saying if you were to tell me what the offense here is that you would report him for. (not saying you are or would, and well, it wouldn’t do anything anyways as he didn’t break rules, but, I am just trying to see where your logic of him breaking some rule is based in).


I had a client who ordered a reading - turned out I felt that she deserved more after how the chart looked and offered a FREE horary chart when she had a burning question in the future. Mind you, this is a really good client who has made many purchases. I felt it was the right thing to do. So, about a month or so later, she had a new question on another topic, and I wrote it up and delivered the file for FREE through the messaging system, much like the OP did. If I choose to give an extra or freebie for whatever reason, that is my business.

The difference between this paragraph and this guy’s case is that you did it willingly and you didn’t complain to anyone about not being paid for the job you did. So, there is absolutely no way anyone can charge you for it.

Now about delivering jobs via inbox, Fiverr frowns at anyone who delivers a job through any other means other than the order page. You know why? When an order doesn’t go through the order page,there is no way Fiverr will get their 20% commission. Just think about this way, when Fiverr can’t get their commission it becomes an offense.

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Guest humanissocial

I never sent an order outside of Fiverr. I sent my work within Fiverr.

She didn’t say you did it outside of Fiverr. She said you did it outside of the order page.

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Guest humanissocial

Report himself for what? He did NOT deliver his file OFF of the Fiverr platform, he used the Fiverr message system to send a file. There are NO rules against this. If there is, perhaps you can copy/paste them here from the TOS. I can see if he had sent this file through his own personal site/email etc to the buyers personal email or other contact outside of Fiverr, but this is not what occurred. So, I doubt he is going to be reporting anything nefarious here on behalf of himself.

I had a client who ordered a reading - turned out I felt that she deserved more after how the chart looked and offered a FREE horary chart when she had a burning question in the future. Mind you, this is a really good client who has made many purchases. I felt it was the right thing to do. So, about a month or so later, she had a new question on another topic, and I wrote it up and delivered the file for FREE through the messaging system, much like the OP did. If I choose to give an extra or freebie for whatever reason, that is my business.

So, I am not sure how you think this guy is going to get himself reported. Let’s say YOU were going to report him, just so I can understand where you are coming from - what would you be reporting him for? Perhaps I will get what you are saying if you were to tell me what the offense here is that you would report him for. (not saying you are or would, and well, it wouldn’t do anything anyways as he didn’t break rules, but, I am just trying to see where your logic of him breaking some rule is based in).


Yes, there are rules against this. Read the ToS. It wouldn’t be smart for Fiverr to be okay with this because people would use it to send work without giving Fiverr their cut. Whether it was deliberate or accidental, policy is policy and the rules apply no matter what the circumstance is, just like any policy.

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  • 1 year later...

Was telling that the Fiverr staff already but no reply.

It seems that you have contacted Customer Support so you will need to wait for the reply.

Did the client order and pay, and then you delivered the order. I am not sure of that from your post as you say the client didn’t pay.

hey so if you scam someone of fiverr by messages, and the seller trusts u as his will, does fiverr make u get arrested, or its seller fault

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Yes, there are rules against this. Read the ToS. It wouldn’t be smart for Fiverr to be okay with this because people would use it to send work without giving Fiverr their cut. Whether it was deliberate or accidental, policy is policy and the rules apply no matter what the circumstance is, just like any policy.

Interesting. I have never read that in the TOS, and yes, I did read the document waaaay back in 2012 when I joined. Maybe this is something new they added. I stand corrected by you and fynwriter if I am wrong. But, I have sent on very rare occasions things to buyers via the messaging system. Didn’t ask for funds outside of Fiverr, so maybe that is the difference?

Either way, sorry for my ignorance if that is something in the terms.


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hey so if you scam someone of fiverr by messages, and the seller trusts u as his will, does fiverr make u get arrested, or its seller fault

Get arrested? Are you serious? No, you are not going to be arrested if you are confused as to how the platform works here and send something to the scam buyer via the messages - it happens here quite often actually, and people come to the forum to complain, wondering why they were not paid for their work, not realizing they needed to create a Custom Order that would be accepted OR directed the person to the right Gig to buy and it being on your Order list.

Most times, if the seller is confused about how the order page works, it is their fault and all they lose out on is the time and income they should have earned for the work they did. As this seller found out, the scam “buyer” will take the work and then block your profile from contacting them. But, if they use the material on their website, there are ways the seller can force them to take it down.


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Get arrested? Are you serious? No, you are not going to be arrested if you are confused as to how the platform works here and send something to the scam buyer via the messages - it happens here quite often actually, and people come to the forum to complain, wondering why they were not paid for their work, not realizing they needed to create a Custom Order that would be accepted OR directed the person to the right Gig to buy and it being on your Order list.

Most times, if the seller is confused about how the order page works, it is their fault and all they lose out on is the time and income they should have earned for the work they did. As this seller found out, the scam “buyer” will take the work and then block your profile from contacting them. But, if they use the material on their website, there are ways the seller can force them to take it down.


I dont understand. My friend asked a freelancer to do his assignment, and he didnt pay. Whats going to happen to him. get arrested?nothing much? i dont know

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Get arrested? Are you serious? No, you are not going to be arrested if you are confused as to how the platform works here and send something to the scam buyer via the messages - it happens here quite often actually, and people come to the forum to complain, wondering why they were not paid for their work, not realizing they needed to create a Custom Order that would be accepted OR directed the person to the right Gig to buy and it being on your Order list.

Most times, if the seller is confused about how the order page works, it is their fault and all they lose out on is the time and income they should have earned for the work they did. As this seller found out, the scam “buyer” will take the work and then block your profile from contacting them. But, if they use the material on their website, there are ways the seller can force them to take it down.


he like messaed them, and he somehow tricked the freelancer that he is a student and that he doesnt have enough money. so then. the freelancer trusted him, and did work for him, and at end he got scammed???

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I dont understand. My friend asked a freelancer to do his assignment, and he didnt pay. Whats going to happen to him. get arrested?nothing much? i dont know

You don’t get arrested. Maybe we have a communication/language barrier here - in the U.S. when you get “arrested”, you go to jail, get fingerprinted, and your pic taken! A seller here is not going to get arrested - maybe you mean, “Will my friend get a warning or in trouble with Fiverr for sending work through the messaging system?”

So, did this freelancer here do his assignment? If so, that freelancer broke the TOS here - as we are not allowed to offer any academic services. If your friend received his assignment done by this seller through the messaging system and didn’t pay, no, he will not get in trouble - if anything, the freelancer or seller would, especially IF they were to write to Fiverr CS and complain that your friend did not pay! That would draw attention to the freelancer/sellers account and they would see he is offering services that are against the rules here.

Your “friend” sounds like a real ethical person - first, he doesn’t even do his own assignments, second, he tells a sob story that he is a broke student and third, takes the work without any compensation to the guy who did it. I don’t know how the freelancer “trusted” him, if the friend said he was broke. Either way, your “friend” and the freelancer are both wrong here, due to whatever was offered and done, is against the TOS.

While getting an assignment through deception here is not going to get your friend arrested - in the true sense of the word - it does speak to his character and, perhaps he will increase his “trickery” in life and get arrested in real life for something else, since he seems to think he can get away with ripping people off. He should do his own assignments.


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You don’t get arrested. Maybe we have a communication/language barrier here - in the U.S. when you get “arrested”, you go to jail, get fingerprinted, and your pic taken! A seller here is not going to get arrested - maybe you mean, “Will my friend get a warning or in trouble with Fiverr for sending work through the messaging system?”

So, did this freelancer here do his assignment? If so, that freelancer broke the TOS here - as we are not allowed to offer any academic services. If your friend received his assignment done by this seller through the messaging system and didn’t pay, no, he will not get in trouble - if anything, the freelancer or seller would, especially IF they were to write to Fiverr CS and complain that your friend did not pay! That would draw attention to the freelancer/sellers account and they would see he is offering services that are against the rules here.

Your “friend” sounds like a real ethical person - first, he doesn’t even do his own assignments, second, he tells a sob story that he is a broke student and third, takes the work without any compensation to the guy who did it. I don’t know how the freelancer “trusted” him, if the friend said he was broke. Either way, your “friend” and the freelancer are both wrong here, due to whatever was offered and done, is against the TOS.

While getting an assignment through deception here is not going to get your friend arrested - in the true sense of the word - it does speak to his character and, perhaps he will increase his “trickery” in life and get arrested in real life for something else, since he seems to think he can get away with ripping people off. He should do his own assignments.


Thats true. I shouldnt be friends with him. But he learnt his lesson by his parents. But I still want to support him telling him consequneces. So really even if he made a excuse, and got a assignment done for free nothing would happen to him right? He infact has dont it multiple times. But from other sellers he really like made excuse, and got away. for example he used corona and said that his parents are laid off, he has no money, can u please do it, ill pay later. please trust me. along those lines.

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Thats true. I shouldnt be friends with him. But he learnt his lesson by his parents. But I still want to support him telling him consequneces. So really even if he made a excuse, and got a assignment done for free nothing would happen to him right? He infact has dont it multiple times. But from other sellers he really like made excuse, and got away. for example he used corona and said that his parents are laid off, he has no money, can u please do it, ill pay later. please trust me. along those lines.

So im still confused. Nothing would happen to him right, like he recently did it a few months ago. im bit worried about him. i was friends with him since childhood

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So im still confused. Nothing would happen to him right, like he recently did it a few months ago. im bit worried about him. i was friends with him since childhood

Are you sure your “friend” is not YOU? LOL

You seem a bit too invested in this.

Obviously, he did not learn any lesson - what did his parents do to him, and how did they find out he had his assignments done multiple times for free by naive and new sellers on the internet?

Nothing is going to happen to him. The internet police are not going to knock on his door and take him away in handcuffs. BUT, you know what? If one of his assignments he was supposed to write himself or do himself looks off to his professor, and the professor investigates to see if he plagiarized something, he may very well get into trouble at school

Even if your “friend” does not get caught having others do his work during his tenure in school, he will get caught when he goes to get a job in the real world and has a degree in something he did not do the work for. An employer is going to know whether an employee is faking it when their work does not measure up to what they were supposed to be learning to get that degree.

Your “friend” is only shortchanging themselves in the long run. If they cheat in school, what else in life do they cheat at, or lie about or steal? I would surround myself with people of better character if I were you.


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Thats true. I shouldnt be friends with him. But he learnt his lesson by his parents. But I still want to support him telling him consequneces. So really even if he made a excuse, and got a assignment done for free nothing would happen to him right? He infact has dont it multiple times. But from other sellers he really like made excuse, and got away. for example he used corona and said that his parents are laid off, he has no money, can u please do it, ill pay later. please trust me. along those lines.

But I still want to support him telling him consequneces

Or you want to encourage him by telling him that he won’t get arrested by the police?

Or, since you’re so invested in the whole thing, you’re not talking about a “friend” but about yourself, and want to find out if you can get away with scamming sellers?

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