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What are your most effective marketing methods?

Guest mistrizone

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Guest haymeyaravicus

Hola, hasta ahora tampoco tengo una orden aquí ,me ha ido mejor publicando ebooks. Uso twitter,Facebook y mi e-mail para informar sobre mis trabajos y escritos y me va relativamente bien. Tener paciencia. Cuando llega uno o dos clientes empiezan a llegar mas si eres bueno, esto es un negocio y también algo que te gusta hacer así que no hay que desanimarse. Bendiciones a todos.

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I was lucky in that I created a gig for which there was much demand, and it turns out I’m good at it. But I think this has much to do with my habit of delivering quality and exactly what is required since I know why clients hire me and what they are looking for.

So I guess my advice is to start out with a gig that there is a market for, and then do it well and keep on doing it well. Also, start small but think big. Especially in the beginning offer more for the buck. Then once you are lv1 and 2 you can jack up prices and ask for more extras. And always do your best. Never think ‘it’s just 4 bucks, they’re get their money’s worth’. Always deliver good quality and let your work speak for yourself.

That’s what is getting me on average 5 gigs per day, most well over $5 bucks. I did nearly $500 in my first month alone. This is month 2, so lets see how it goes…

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Guest successwriters

you need the right title, keyword and image that really represent your gig. i created a gig and got order that same day. quite good you say. as my name implies successwriters with the best concept which tells you its all about write ups and articles. so get the best concept.

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I’m pretty new here on Fiverr and in about 2 months I got level 1, now I am closing in on level 2. Even if I am not a Featured or Top rated seller yet, I am really pleased as to how things are developing. I am starting to get a steady flow of orders 1 to 3 at a time.

I think there are some points to follow in order to start growing.

  • My day to day job is in customer care and I tend to follow the same guidelines from there, here on Fiverr. Customer always comes first. Be as nice and professional with your customers and you are starting to build a nice link to them and get good reviews. This, in turn, will bring more business your way

  • I try to over deliver on quality even if because I’m just starting to grow, my level will not allow me to put more extras than I already did. So trying to do the best, even for a smaller amount of money will help bring in more customers

  • Be fast, very fast. The gig that is now making some cash has a 2 days delivery term. I will always try and deliver earlier than that. This will give the customer a sense of "I will really meet my deadlines"

    I have not yet go social so there is still room for improvement.

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So this is pretty much a copy and paste from another comment I just made, but check it out:

So in my personal expereince, posting your gigs to your personal facebook or twitter accounts can really get a gig started. Having friends and family who know you and trust you order your gig can get you a few positive reviews, and therefore get your gig more noticed and more trusted by buyers.

Another important idea would be to have an awesome gig video. For mine, I pretty much use my computer webcam to describe and demonstrate my gig and how it will help the buyer. I am enthusiastic and try to be as cool and friendly as possible. I even have a gig where I make them for other people!


Another tip would be to create more gigs. You can have up to 20 active gigs on fiverr, and if you make a variety of gigs, they will get more exposure overall. Even if they all don’t sell very well, the extra clicks can lead potential buyers to your other, more successful gigs.

Also, using online marketing or offering online marketing services can be really helpful. I bought a couple of marketing gigs to boost my fiverr gigs, and they inspired me to make my own. Check it out!


This is by far my most successful gig and is providing my page with more exposure!

These are just some tips that I have used for personal success here on Fiverr. Hope I helped at least a little, and best of luck in the future! Keep dedicated to Fiverr, the community is awesome, and success is obtainable

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@mrjack01 to my mind, a seller has a one-time opportunity to convert impressions and especially clicks into orders by

1.Having an enthousiastic video

2.Having an attractive description

3.Calling to action

This may sounds reeeeeeally generic and vague but it’s not that hard to implement it in reality!You don’t need to be a marketeer (altought this would help hehehehe) but try to explain what is the real value that none offers here (but you) & what is the specific trait/s that stand you out of competition.Guarantee?Fast tat?Revisions?

Do also try to introduce yourself as a professional in the area your service is in, and give proof of this (for example don’t try to pretend you’re a pro in writing if your description is full of typos, syntax & grammar mistakes or do not misintroduce yourself as an experienced spokesperson or video testimonial what what what with lots of offline international clients if your english and presentation skills are mediocre).These would turn off any prospect.

Finally do offer something that covers an actual need.Think out of the box and you’ll be rewarded 🙂

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Guest uniquedesignxx

Effective methods

  1. Social media
  2. Fiverr forum
  3. Blog posts
  4. Bookmarking
  5. Good communication
  6. Forum posts (e.g Warrior forum)
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Just an observation to increase sales; try to successfully deliver your orders as fast as possible, I mean before the delivery dates. I noticed two awesome impacts:

  1. Getting of more relative or same orders of your delivery same day from Fiverr

  2. It builds great confidence and excitement on the buyer and makes him or her a perpetual returning happy customer.
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Guest aggelospats

I am new too. Not a sale yet. I am looking ways to increase my income but nothing till now. I hope some of these will help me… 🙂

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