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Finally made it! I’m a Level One Seller!


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Finally, I am a level one seller. About 3 months ago, I got my first order and thinking how will I survive. But soon after that, I started getting order. It is required some hardwork to maintain it, and after 3 months it finally pays off. I’m now a level 1 seller and ready to take my work to the upper level. Whattaa short but lovely journey it was. Thank you Fiverr for everything!
Suggestion to all new seller, If you want to succeed in Fiverr then make sure that your client is your way to success. and always try to give the best services. Present yourself as a Professional and Confident freelancer…and Be Honest, always! The path of honesty is difficult to walk on, But it is the sure path to success. Then it will be easy to get success in Fiverr.


Congrats, @sayphotoshop! I remember how glad I was when I reached level one. Have a party - and then go on and get to the next level. Good luck with that!

Yea thanks! 😊 Hey, can you please tell me, what are the benefits of being a level 1 seller?


Yea thanks! 😊 Hey, can you please tell me, what are the benefits of being a level 1 seller?

Here you can read more about the benefits: https://www.fiverr.com/levels

Though the biggest overall benefit (in my opinion) is the better ranking and that it looks cool! Where would you buy: A level 0 seller or a level 1 seller? Of course the level 1 seller as you trust him more to deliver a professional result.

Hope I could help!


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