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Edited gig but no orders yet for long

Guest taylorjar1

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Guest taylorjar1

I have edited my gig description, prices and video so it looked more better than before but am not getting any orders so far i have 80 clicks but no orders
what can i do thanks ?

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Guest taylorjar1

Well Mr. Federer… this is one of the reason you can’t get order

haha yeah

but i think i edit my gig to be better

here is it plz if u can check


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Guest taylorjar1

When you edited your gig, your gig rank automatically down. Just wait somedays

oh okay

i will do it and hopefully i get new orders

thank you for help

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Guest taylorjar1

Please try to re modify your gig. Use your targeted keyword to your description and Title must be short and decent and use your keyword to your title. It will help you to your gig rank. Otherwise try to contact with support @taylorjar1

yes i just edited it and i will contact them again

thank u alot for the help

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