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How I asked for a review today


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This is for a client who has continued to order my service, despite the fact that I’ve continually increased my rates. I tried to increase them enough so that I’d be less busy, which has worked for slowing down request from first time clients, for the repeats, it has not. So yeah, I’m still too busy (again).

But yeah, I’m super nervous after delivering with this note, holding my breath and 🤞 I tried my best to not offend him by the request, but I’m still shivering 😅

Thanks for having me work on this, it really was a pleasure. Do let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to change with the article, or any other way I can be of service.

I know you’re super busy, but it would really mean a lot to me if you left a short review when you have a chance, those stats make a huge difference. If no time atm, I won’t hold it against ya 🙂

Good luck with the rest of your projects.

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This is for a client who has continued to order my service, despite the fact that I’ve continually increased my rates. I tried to increase them enough so that I’d be less busy, which has worked for slowing down request from first time clients, for the repeats, it has not. So yeah, I’m still too busy (again).

But yeah, I’m super nervous after delivering with this note, holding my breath and 🤞 I tried my best to not offend him by the request, but I’m still shivering 😅

Thanks for having me work on this, it really was a pleasure. Do let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to change with the article, or any other way I can be of service.

I know you’re super busy, but it would really mean a lot to me if you left a short review when you have a chance, those stats make a huge difference. If no time atm, I won’t hold it against ya 🙂

Good luck with the rest of your projects.

If no time atm, I won’t hold it against ya 🙂

Is “atm” your buyer’s name? :thinking:

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If no time atm, I won’t hold it against ya 🙂

Is “atm” your buyer’s name? :thinking:

ATM is internet slang for “at the moment” 🙂 oh $#@& I hope he knows that :flushed:. Pretty common w millennials in the states, so I think I’m ok, but aaak one more thing for me to worry about!

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Guest hanshuber16

Yes, that’s a pretty neat way of asking for a review without making the buyer feel cornered or pressured. gj! I hope you know what that means 😉

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Guest armejndi

If they completed the project and didn’t get the final files, I send them over and throw in a “A review is always appreciated”. If they completed and got the files, I don’t message them. However, recently, I’ve delivered a lot of orders and 80% of the clients went AWOL. Vacations?

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If they completed the project and didn’t get the final files, I send them over and throw in a “A review is always appreciated”. If they completed and got the files, I don’t message them. However, recently, I’ve delivered a lot of orders and 80% of the clients went AWOL. Vacations?

Nah, can’t blame it on vacays, FIFA or it being HOT ☀️ as hell.

People just don’t care about leaving feedback, the only thing that matters is getting their order on-time.

Grab~N~Go kinda thing!

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I was told there’s another meaning by an older person. I was totally shocked. 😶

Don’t ask! 🤐

I was told there’s another meaning by an older person. I was totally shocked. 😶

Don’t ask! 🤐

of course! I meant that I was At The Movies 😉

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ATM is internet slang for “at the moment” 🙂. Pretty common w millennials in the states, so I think I’m ok, but aaak one more thing for me to worry about!

Um, David!

LOLz, that’s a good one. 😄

I’m a science nut :woman_scientist:t4:

ATM actually means atmospheric pressure. 😛

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Guest hanshuber16

Um, David!

LOLz, that’s a good one. 😄

I’m a science nut :woman_scientist:t4:

ATM actually means atmospheric pressure. 😛

I’m a science nut :woman_scientist:t4:

High five! Me too! 😃

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Um, David!

LOLz, that’s a good one. 😄

I’m a science nut :woman_scientist:t4:

ATM actually means atmospheric pressure. 😛


I’m a science nut :woman_scientist:t4:

ATM actually means atmospheric pressure. 😛

Nerds\Geeks of the world unite! Soon it shall all be ours!!! hehehee

in other news, my heart can chillout:


I’m super stoked about this article getting published, like momentarily, also!!! I got a lot of peeps that’ll want to read this 😃

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@daviddoer, we have these if you’re interested:

❤️ lab work, science is the core of my being. Very fascinated!

Anyway, so, that means you & I can really uncover some amazing stuff. 😁

@daviddoer Wow, awesomesauce! 🎉

Now watch people gonna use your template as a magic sauce kinda thing. 😄

we have these if you’re interested

How much does it cost? I haven’t ridden a city 🚌

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Sweet! I ❤️ lab work, science is the core of my being. Very fascinated!

Anyway, so, that means you & I can really uncover some amazing stuff. 😁

@daviddoer Wow, awesomesauce! 🎉

Now watch people gonna use your template as a magic sauce kinda thing. 😄

we have these if you’re interested

How much does it cost? I haven’t ridden a city 🚌

Now watch people gonna use your template as a magic sauce kinda thing.

yeah, I kinda did that on purpose. First of all, to receive my crowd-sourced lashings if I said anything wrong. Secondly, to help other sellers who are going through the same struggle.

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