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Changing gig description


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Hello everyone, i am new on fiverr and I have question. I created a gig and got an order with the help of the buyers request section, but ever since my gig seems to act like a buyers repellant. So I was hoping to change the gig layout and overall description, does this affect my gig in any way?

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Guest introvideos12

When you edit your gig, it’s off search for a while because it’s being reviewed. This usually takes 24-48 hours. Should be back up after that.

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Guest danish_shaikh

Changing of gig description is a very useful and best thing. It allows the fiverr system to know that you are currently present and using the fiverr (getting updates, following their rules, knows about your competitors). Just sitting online at fiverr and waiting for orders it will not effect your profile too much.

You have to be updated and should change the gig description every after 2 to 3 months according to your competitors.

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Changing of gig description is a very useful and best thing. It allows the fiverr system to know that you are currently present and using the fiverr (getting updates, following their rules, knows about your competitors). Just sitting online at fiverr and waiting for orders it will not effect your profile too much.

You have to be updated and should change the gig description every after 2 to 3 months according to your competitors.

Thanks for the info, will be sure to go by your advice.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 years later...

After editing gig It will take maximum time of 24 hours to reviewed.

I wonder if this is still true in 2021. I have been changing my main gig too often for my own good ( sometimes 3-4 times a day, whenever I feel there is something that can be improved) but it appears almost instantly back in search results. So probably, as long as your gig edit does not have red flags automatically detected, it should appear back within seconds.

Also if someone could help me out with my gig shortcomings, I would be really grateful 😄
I get 2-3 clicks a day but no inboxes. One 5-star review until now...

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