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I want to add fiverr account with my existing payoneer master card. [ARCHIVED]


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I already have a payoneer master card from other marketplace. I want to add fiverr account with my existing payoneer card. From different posts of this forum, i came to know that, i need to create an account again into payoneer and then my account will be merged by payoneer team.

My problem is, i tried to apply for a card with my existing email address (which i have used for a card already). But when i go to submit for final registration, it says that,

“This username provided already exist in the system. If you already applied for a Payoneer account, please go back to introduction page and click on “Already applied for a Payoneer account” located on the upper right side of the screen.”

What should i do now?


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Guest srmahato

I have a problem also like same for local bank transfer , this option says " waiting for approval" but while I have proof that payoneer.com already approved me, proof is attached, kindly see, then also fiverr.com is keeping my money , means they always want to keep people money for themselves only.


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Guest hassankhursheed

Go to the revenue section and click on fiverr revenue they will send you the mail where there will be info just click on it you will be redirected to the payoneer.There if you don’t have a card sign-up if you have see to the right top corner you will see such like already member etc click on it.your card is connected to it.


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