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Don't give unlimited revisions!

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I agree with the mentality behind setting a certain number of revisions for an order. I find it really helps my clients gather their thoughts before requesting a revision. Instead of asking for me to change one thing at a time and therefor wasting my time, it helps them lay out the details of what works and what doesn’t.

Returning clients are also better because you get a feel for their style and can get to a point where you may not need any revisions at all 🙂

Actually, I concur with you on this point. Giving the option of unlimited revisions, apart from misuse by some buyer (which is always a risk), it also sort of poses a risk to the seller.

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It’s a good tip. But, it doesn’t really give you an edge anyway. I have had the pleasure of tackling a buyer who threatened to leave a bad review if I didn’t refund him. He never asked for any revision as the article was written very well.

What I meant by that is that it depends on two factors:

  • Your Buyer
  • Your Skills

Do you mind sharing how you tackled that seller?

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Depends what type of customers you work with. My average price of a gig is 250$ and my best selling package is 350$ so my clients know exactly want they want, we discuss before and thats it. I offer unlimited revision on my premium package but I am 100% that I delivered top notch work aside from ‘I want to add something’ no one has ever ask revision. Also if a clients wants to add something that he/she pays the extras since It wasn’t part of the initial requirements.

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I think there is nothing wrong with Unlimited revisions. you are being paid by the buyers to provide them the best services and you should give them unlimited revisions until they are satisfied with your work.

The buyer can see our previous work before placing an order so they should know what to expect. Revisions are necessary to change little things but if we give them unlimited reviews we are practically saying we don’t trust our own work. As a singer I only give 1 revision with my basic gig and there was only 1 time that the buyer needed to buy another one and that was because he missed to tell me something that was very important. Now imagine if anytime a buyer forgets to tell you something you have to offer another revision… :roll_eyes:

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