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Wow Promoted to LEVEL 2.... Amazing


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Wow just Promoted to Level 2 Seller but the amazing thing was i didnt get any new order nor any other thng, i was just wathcing My Gigs and Suddenly ths notifcation Come…


Lets Hope for New Changes and Orders As a New Level Seller… 🙂

Thanx Fiverr Fo the Great Surprise and All Members here… 🙂


I am little bit Surprised, Previously i ask from discobot should i take the order or not, his aanswer was no and i did it…And Now Level2 Seller Hahhahah… you were there @woofy31

Discobot should i thank you ??

@discobot fortune

Guest discobot

I am little bit Surprised, Previously i ask from discobot should i take the order or not, his aanswer was no and i did it…And Now Level2 Seller Hahhahah… you were there @woofy31

Discobot should i thank you ??

@discobot fortune

🔮 Signs point to yes

Guest discobot

But For what am confused… @woofy31 😛 for not taking the order… lolz

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Guest lloydsolutions

Congratulations. Best wishes for your continued success! 🙂


What did you do, now everyone will just sit there, do nothing and watch their gigs! 😉


Yeah Sure i did nothng just wandering and looking at my gigs analytics…and bang a notification come LEVEL 2… I though i received a new order that made me eligible…Bout nothng no New order not any message… Lolz… Let See what luck ths badge Give to me… 🙂 Thanx Every One


So you are the lucky person Today ! Now Announced a party treat For All Fiverr Seller. 😃

You wll also be lucky one day then we both wll give party yaaaaaaaaaaaaay…am waiting for you t be level 2

Guest discobot

Lets Ask Discobot

Should i give Party to all sellers

@discobot fortune

🔮 Without a doubt


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