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How do I rank my GIG in the first 3 search pages in my Niche?


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Hi guys, I have been on Fiverr for quite some time now and I have been very hardworking and dedicated which has seen all my clients appreciate the hard work I put into their projects to make it a success.
The issue I have is this, I have not been able to rank my gig up to the first 3 page in my niche and this is quite worrisome for me. I have been on page 7 ever since I moved from level 1 to level 2… Please guys what do you suggest that I do to rank my gig better than before. Thanks… 🙂

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Be patient. Fiverr is EXTREMELY competitive. There are many sellers listed on Fiverr. You are going to have to be amazing, and offer unbeatable services if you wish to compete with the other gigs listed in your service category. Keep delivering work worth of 5-star reviews, and your seller rating will rise. No one is guaranteed prime placement anywhere in Fiverr – you are going to have to work very hard to EARN it.

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Guest nahida01

jonbass is right!
But you need to SEO the gigs too, like putting right tags on gigs.
Suitable titles, long written descriptions etc.
These will impact too

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jonbass is right!

But you need to SEO the gigs too, like putting right tags on gigs.

Suitable titles, long written descriptions etc.

These will impact too

But you need to SEO the gigs too, like putting right tags on gigs.

Suitable titles, long written descriptions etc.

These will impact too

Actually, no. Fiverr is changing their search system to a tag-based system. Your gig tags will be the most important search element. The search results will no longer be focused on SEO (i.e., titles, descriptions, etc)

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jonbass is right!

But you need to SEO the gigs too, like putting right tags on gigs.

Suitable titles, long written descriptions etc.

These will impact too

Suitable titles, long written descriptions etc.

Description is not involved in ranking. If to use tech SEO language - Fiverr doesn’t index descriptions.

Can’t say about titles etc. - I was lazy to check it.

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