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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. See an inserted image below: It's happening because of this 2* review which you got 1 month ago. It looks like that buyer was not impressed or satisfied with your services/work.. So buyer might have given you a negative private review. Therefore, your BSR and Performance Scores have been dropped and your gig might be removed from the search results temporarily or pushed back in the search results. This is why you are not getting impressions/clicks. It will take time to get recovered from the effect of that review (public + private) i.e. 3-6 months. So meanwhile try to deliver quality work in such a way that it makes your buyer happy.
  2. Unfortunately nothing is going good for you. 237 impressions and 0 clicks does not seems to be good, it means your gig has zero ability to grab buyer's attention. Kindly do research on Fiverr regarding your niche because "Translation" is super competitive niche. Whenever you edit your gig, your gig will be removed from the search results temporarily and then Fiverr will adjust your gig in the search results according to your changes so it's normal if you are having zero impressions after editing your gig. It might take time for your gig to be appeared on search results but keep an eye on impressions and clicks that they are increasing or dropping with the passage of time.
  3. According to your personal description, if you really have 2 years of experience, then why have not you added some of your previous work in your gig gallery. Gig gallery matters the most as buyers will have an idea what are you capable of or what not.. So it is recommended to add some of your designed websites in a creative way (in gig images).. Also, WordPress is a super competitive niche on Fiverr so definitely competition is too tough. So optimize your gig in such a way it stands out. You can do research on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe how other sellers are offering their services.
  4. Start using your Digital Marketing expertise then.
  5. True but we can see via reviews that when was the last order and got a review.. Don't know that why Fiverr has removed "Last Delivery" option from the Seller's profiles (we can see it ours only)..
  6. No personal details sharing on Fiverr is not allowed. See an inserted image below: Source: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service (Read Violations - Non-Permitted Usage part) If it is a part of your service, then I'll encourage you to contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them so that they can guide you better if you have still concerns about it.
  7. What's to explain there? I think you misunderstood that line. She asked the member (mahmud_nabi) that Gigs Sharing on Social Media have worked for him well to become a successful seller or not? Because that member has been on Fiverr since May 2021 and have made 19 sales yet. So she is confirming from him that his tip has been effective for him or not.. And to be honest, you are questioning 2 TRS/Pro Sellers on Fiverr (I am referring to @filipdevaere and @vickiespencer ) So they know everything about Fiverr better than you (and us) as they are way much experienced. So always follow their tips/suggestions/guidance. Learn from them. P.S. Try to be polite in asking questions. I know you are in a learning phase but at least respect experienced sellers.
  8. If you really think that your gig impressions have dropped because you were not active on Fiverr since last 2 days then why are you offline right now? See an inserted image below for a proof: To be honest, staying online/active has nothing to do with the impressions or clicks as they are associated with your gigs. After checking your gigs, I have observed the following: Your primary gig image of all gigs are not attractive enough to grab buyer's attention. You need to improve them further. You have Social Media Marketing skills too then why don't you use them for your own gigs too? Do research on Fiverr regarding your niches to observe how other sellers are offering their services. Read the following topics regarding "Staying Online" as it's useless..
  9. Have you tried to click on that notification? Click on that notification, it will take you to the desired page where you have to fill the required fields.. You might have missed something there.
  10. What have you been doing on Fiverr since last 3 months? And how much data have you collected so far? 👀 Staying online is never gonna help you with anything else so it's useless. Read the following topic:
  11. smartdezigns


    You can email them at support@fiverr.com or open a Ticket at https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets
  12. smartdezigns


    This is why Fiverr has paused your gigs. So contact Fiverr Support. They will give you some instructions to follow and then your gigs will be activated. Good Luck
  13. smartdezigns


    Have you been inactive on Fiverr from last few days/months/years? If yes, then contact Fiverr Support regarding it. They'll guide you about it.
  14. I actually read everything about him on his profile that's why requested him to read his own thread again rather than asking the same question twice. But you know newbies are newbies 😐 and 90% newbies prefers to lie but they will never understand its consequences.
  15. If you have been inactive on Fiverr then Contact Fiverr Support. They will give you instructions to follow, then your gigs will be activated.
  16. Hello too. Well, the main category cannot be changed once it is set (published gig).. But sub-category can be changed.. If you want to change a main category, then you will have to delete that gig and create it again. Else, there is no way to change it.
  17. If you have been inactive on Fiverr then Contact Fiverr Support. They will give you instructions to follow, afterwards your gigs will be activated.
  18. If you have been inactive on Fiverr then contact Fiverr Support. Discuss with them, they will give you instructions to follow and your gigs will be activated.
  19. @milos_siena Please check his case. Thank you
  20. Did you use the copyrighted images/descriptions etc. while creating a gig?
  21. What services were you trying to offer? No one can help you with this matter except Fiverr Staff / Customer Support. @milos_siena Kindly guide him. Thank you
  22. 1 Advice/Suggestion for you only: Start using your "Professional Digital Marketer" skills for yourself like the same way you'll do for your buyers.
  23. It means your Fiverr Seller Profile has been Disapproved so you cannot create any gig. You can use your profile for buying services only. Fiverr must have sent you an email about why your gig was removed.. I'm sorry but your Fiverr journey as a Seller is Over!
  24. You have been given a platform (Fiverr) where you can showcase your skills and earn online so Fiverr Team cannot help you in this regard. After checking your impressions/clicks, they are still not good enough. Improve gig galleries of all 3 gigs. You can use your SEO skills for your own gigs too. Right? You have chosen super competitive niches such as SEO, WordPress.. Do research on Fiverr regarding your niches.
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