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About tauseefabbaskhn


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  1. I wouldn't blame you for using AI to write your gig's description but it looks like as if it's AI generated. The 'asking initial question' and 'look no further' things seem loaded, unwanted, and outdated. If I were to purchase your service, I would've liked to see your genuine engagement, in your own words with me (a potential buyer). AI is a great thing but it still lacks customization and human voice. I am a fully new seller here and I daily play tricks with my gigs to polish things up especially when it comes to the description part. If your words/design/art/whatever you offer don't directly talk about the customers' issues, you won't win orders.
  2. Agreed. Though I just joined here and haven't received my first order, I noticed a significant decrease in my business on other sites that I work on. Since July, I struggle to get new orders.
  3. freelancing is easy money. it's one of the biggest misconceptions of the people who know me. They believe that I just click a few keys on my laptop's keyboard and I'm given hundreds of thousands of bucks. I know a lot of intelligent and highly educated people who were so full of energy and were motivated for this freelancing thingy, but they failed. Freelancing needs a specific kind of personality, commitment and the ability to be and remain your own boss for the longer time. It feels/seems good to be 'your own boss', but in reality, you need to manage all departments which is a tough ask.
  4. Thank you very much for highlighting them. Will correct them right away.
  5. These are in the thumbnails not in the description. I'm not sure if being sarcastic helps you rejuvenate but I used a free software to create the thumbnails (I'm not a professional designer) and will correct them soon.
  6. Words of wisdom. Putting your eggs in one basket is as risky as assuming you'll have the same, good health throughout your life. Do you think securing clients outside (through your personal website) is a much daunting task?
  7. Hi friends~ I have joined fiverr like four days ago and published the initial four gigs. I have carefully crafted the gigs and so far have got 124 impressions and 3 clicks. I understand that it's too early to expect an order but what should I do now apart from waiting for the clients? I know that a lot of fellow members will advice me to share my gigs on social media but coming from a place where social media marketing would just be a waste of time as this isn't my target market, is there anything else I may do to increase my chances of finding my first client/s? I brought years of real-world experience along though. Ciao!
  8. It's $5. I'm a new seller and yet to make any sales but I usually charge $40-$60/hour outside.
  9. Please refresh everything, clear your cookies and caches and it might work. I faced kinda similar issue while signing up for fiverr and after conversating with the CS for a few times, I was told to do this and then everything was swift!
  10. I can do this task for you: Can you BTW answer the following questions? 1. What's the price for the project of taking 500 freelancers onboard? 2. What's the budget for each audio recorded?
  11. A wise advice and I do agree. Going an extra mile for genuine buyers who also appreciate your work can get you some long-term projects.
  12. Oh. It seems the seller is offline and hasn't started the work yet. I'm although a writer and might help you in writing the book blurb, preface, foreword etc for you. Lemme know if you need help in finding someone to help you create the book cover.
  13. Sorry to learn that you're facing this issue. Did the freelancer you placed an order with not reply to your texts? What sort of order do you want to place to know if it matches my skills?
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