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About sohadayeasmin

  • Birthday 11/20/1996


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  1. Easy order is not available here for new Fiverr sellers.I have a few gigs here orders come but later get canceled. It's been 1 year but still not able to confirm the order. So I'm very disappointed.😒
  2. Easy order is not available here for new  Fiverr sellers.I have a few gigs here orders come but later get canceled. It's been 1 year but still not able to confirm the order. So I'm very disappointed.

  3. It's been a long time but I couldn't confirm any order on fiverr, if I confirm it gets canceled later. It's bothering me a lot. It's influenced me.

  4. A bad thing happened to me today. A scammer asked me to scan a QR code in a fiber message. Luckily if I didn't scan my account would have been hacked.
  5. you are right speaking but I'm a new seller and I don't know how to make a work in Fiverr
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