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  1. I have tried looking things up here, but still can't find the right solution to my problems
  2. Thanks, I tried to optimize the Images and a few more corrections as well. Thanks
  3. Hi Fiverr community, I have been on Fiverr for a while now and I have been able to get just about 3 projects, How can I get more projects, increase my gig impressions and get more clicks? I have goals and I am not even getting anything in the last couple of months. Please help is needed
  4. Thanks alot for this, I will work more on the gig images, any suggestions how to make it better and bag more projects?
  5. Hi Fiverr community, I'm concerned because my gigs haven't been getting any impressions for about a month now. There are no clicks or activities on my account. I've tried creating new gigs, but they also haven't gained any traction. I've checked and confirmed that the gigs are active and appearing in search results, but they're not getting any traction. I'm not sure what's wrong. What can I do to get my account running as it should?
  6. I had high hopes for making the most of my Fiverr account this year. However, the opposite has happened. Suddenly, none of my gigs are getting any impressions. I've tried editing my existing gigs and creating new ones, but nothing has changed. What could be the issue? What am I doing wrong? What can I do to improve this and have a successful account?
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