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Everything posted by balticoakmedia

  1. Never received a brief but after reading these replies I can see I'm not missing out on anything good. 🤣
  2. I agree and share in your frustration. I am also stuck on 6, although at the beginning it was 8... I don't think Fiverr know themselves how this works. Try to make sure that as many of your clients as possible leave reviews, especially private ones, it seems to help.
  3. I think we're just all learning as we go along, even the Fiverr CS team. 😁 I'm not claiming to know any guaranteed tricks by the way, I'm just sharing what I've noticed in my experience recently, so try at your own peril haha. Where do the buyers need to go to leave private/anonymous reviews? I might just do the same and ask a few to leave some private reviews.
  4. I'm just sharing my experience in hopes it can help someone. With everything else being the same (no new orders, messages etc.) - customers who hadn't left reviews on repeat orders left 5* reviews and the "Negative Customer Satisfaction" was gone from the areas affecting the success score within approx. 12 hours. Within that time I had no new enquiries, no messages going in or out, nothing delivered, and nothing cancelled, the only thing that changed was getting a few reviews from people for orders that had been delivered within the last few weeks. So empirically - yes it does affect it negatively because once the reviews were done the notification disappeared. I don't know if any of these clients also gave positive anonymous reviews in the background which may contribute. I don't know also if it's not having super fresh reviews (although I think I had had a couple of reviews in the week leading up to that). But getting reviews from people who haven't left one in my personal experience can definitely cancel out some of the negativity. I slipped under 1 hour response for the first time ever this month, I work with some clients in different time zones and they send me messages while I'm asleep lol and I've been travelling myself too, so couldn't check the app and respond while I was on flights etc. but generally it's not an issue and something that can be fixed when I'm back to a more regular schedule I hope! Having the last word on messages in chats is so real on Fiverr! I'm glad I'm not the only one. 😁 I'm more of a casual seller on Fiverr as I get the majority of my income off the platform, but Fiverr has been responsible for a more significant portion of my revenue lately so I was hoping I could expand my revenue from here, but with these new success scores I'm not so sure anymore. 🫤
  5. Thank you for being so kind and generous with your time and experience and sharing the top tips. Going to review my descriptions later this week!
  6. Hope you enjoy this wild ride! 😁
  7. Congratulations, the only thing between me and Level 2 is one point in the success score! Best of luck on your journey to Top Rated!
  8. Advertise your services to people you already know, who may be interested in your services. I used to work in the property industry and after quitting my job to be a freelancer in branding and copywriting, I contacted some people I knew from the industry and was on good terms with (suppliers, ex-clients, ex-colleagues) just to let them know I changed my career, and telling them about what I do, but no hard selling. I also took an interest in what they were doing and what their challenges were and just had a nice chat. I usually connected with people via LinkedIn if I didn't already have their contacts, or got contacts of websites. A few weeks later my first order came from an ex-client who I had become acquaintances with over the years. This was a direct outcome of the call. You can at that point decide whether you want to carry these on on or off Fiverr as these are not Fiverr-generated leads so it's not against T&Cs. So putting some lower-value orders through Fiverr can help with building your reviews on there. During my first year, I received several orders via the family-friends-acquaintances network that I put through Fiverr to give me a head start. All of these were genuine orders for people who wanted the service (my first gig was LinkedIn profile optimisation). These then generated word of mouth as people asked who did their LinkedIn profiles and I got referrals. Another way I got orders from strangers was by pricing some smaller gigs low and overdelivering the heck out of them, making sure customers were super happy and doing everything to get those 5* reviews. After having several 5* reviews, I've started getting orders for higher value gigs through Fiverr organically, but the friends-family-acquaintance network still keeps giving too.
  9. The thing is, the assumptions/hypothesis are also made by AI from a set of rules that are arbitrary, artificial and incomplete. It's as much a hypothesis/assumption as my own evaluation of my performance. I don't aim to write like AI and speak like AI. I have a personal communication style that my customers enjoy as I get many repeat orders. In fact 100% of my new clients in the last 2 months submitted repeat orders, some as many as 7 over the period. I've since also discovered that Fiverr's AI is discriminating towards people speaking in any language other than English. So not speaking to my customers in their native language lowers their satisfaction and makes their communication experience worse, but the AI-perceived quality of communication is better. Getting judged by anonymous reviews would be bad enough if we could see them, but the fact that we can't even see anonymous information like ratings or comments is very inefficient - we're judged and executed without having an opportunity to face our charges or accusers, or improve ourselves. To be honest, I'd rather not see the success scores, because they're so frustrating and just let the algorithm do its work in the background like Instagram. A part of why I became a freelancer was to offer clients my insights, perspectives and a tone of professional communication that is different from script-driven, filler-padded and jargon-heavy corporate communication. So getting Fiverr to dictate what words I should use and how frequently I should message someone feels reductive when my own customer service and sales scripts work for me and my customers who are happy to give me more money and 5* reviews.
  10. Respectfully, what system? And what is the intention? It's an arbitrary algorithm that is very capricious, updates on a whim and pitches sellers against each other. The support team is hiding behind the phrases "anonymous feedback" "compared to other sellers" "overall satisfaction" and give misleading advice. You're not allowed to see any metrics that specifically show what you are doing wrong, just vague advice and descriptions. My discoveries so far: 1. If a customer doesn't leave you a review at all it affects customer satisfaction negatively. I have repeat customers who don't leave reviews on follow up orders, but asking them to leave reviews and receiving those reviews has almost immediately improved one of my scores. 2. If you do not collect requirements through the requirement function, it affects communication negatively. Even if the customer sends you the requirements in the chat and gives you a 5* review afterwards. 3. If you communicate with your clients in their native language - communication is affected negatively. This is particularly annoying as I'm multilingual and speaking to customers in their own language via messages gave me a huge advantage. However, now I need to choose whether to go above and beyond for my customers or keep Fiverr's score algorithm happy. Fiverr's team have denied this, but after I spoke to a client in a different language on a gig I had only had English speaking buyers on previously, "negative communication@ flagged up. 4. If your response time is over 1 hour, communication is affected negatively. 5. If you communicate in short and concise language - communication is affected negatively. Writing long paragraphs full of filler "professional" language seems to help, as well as using phrases from Fiverr's dumb AI written templates they suggest in their help section. I'm conflicted about this, because I like to be professional and not waste client's time with lengthy unnecessary messages, but Fiverr seems to live for that. 6. The scores still fluctuate unpredictably despite all efforts. 🙂 One of my gigs hadn't had orders in a while, but previous reviews were all 5*. It sat there happily without any score, then last week a score of 3 came up, now it has been updated to 4 although nothing has changed. 7. I think pricing affects the success scores as well but I haven't worked out how exactly. 8. I think the algorithm wants you to keep in touch during the order and send updates to customers - with the work I do, I gather information and present the final result, I don't really need to send clients updates or interim results as it's not a part of the flow, but I think the algorithm wants me to do this. It's like a girlfriend who gets upset if you don't text "good morning gorgeous" the minute you are awake. 🤣 Hope this helps someone, thoughts and prayers to us all. 😅 All this system showed me is that I need to diversify and create profiles on other platforms/scout for direct off-platform customers. Congrats, Fiverr, you've played yourselves! 🤝
  11. I have the same experience! I have 5.0 rating, no cancellations, no conflicts, no complaints etc. April has been my best month on Fiverr order and revenue-wise, with repeat business from some customers. And yet my success score went from 8 to 6. It says Communication and Customer Satisfaction are impacted negatively, but all of my customers are happy with me and I've not had any issues. I've contacted support twice and twice I got copy-paste replies from what's already on the website. I think that having this arbitrary system with no transparency is awful, especially since it does not reflect reality. I feel like Fiverr wants us to constantly bother customers with messages, but I get my tasks and requirements on day 1 and then deliver their order completed, the nature of my work is not one where I need to constantly send updates and follow up questions to clients and usually, I get the info I need from the documents and links they send me. I was also wondering if communicating with them in other languages affects this, but I'm multilingual and being able to communicate with my clients in their language should be a plus, not a minus.
  12. Haha love this! It definitely might be a sign of getting old because I feel like this too. But lately, it does feel like Fiverr is working against us and really trying to pitch us against each other with the new rating system.
  13. But when the success score is what is impacting visibility and new orders, it's not enough to just go with the flow. I have 5.0 rating, no cancellations, no conflicts, no complaints etc. April has been my best month on Fiverr order and revenue-wise, with repeat business from some customers. And yet my success score went from 8 to 6. It says Communication and Customer Satisfaction are impacted negatively, but all of my customers are happy with me and I've not had any issues. I've contacted support twice and twice I got copy-paste replies from what's already on the website.I think that having this arbitrary system with no transparency is awful, especially since it does not reflect reality. I feel like Fiverr wants us to constantly bother customers with messages, but I get my tasks and requirements on day 1 and then deliver their order completed, the nature of my work is not one where I need to constantly send updates and follow up questions to clients and usually, I get the info I need from the documents and links they send me. I was also wondering if communicating with them in other languages affects this, but I'm multilingual and being able to communicate with my clients in their language should be a plus, not a minus.
  14. This new system is super stupid and I'm a person who is usually OK with change!
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