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About jh_sadaf07

  • Birthday 05/07/2003

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  1. jh_sadaf07

    new seller

    If you're a graphic designer you can use adobe illustrator and if you ain't you can use canva for a beautiful professional gig picture. I think using canva is the easiest and earliest way for you.
  2. How to upload portfolio on fiverr ?
  3. Very Hard to describe man!
  4. Yes I'm sharing my gigs regularly, also changing my gig a little bit. But the results are same.
  5. My gig impression over here. Are the impressions good?
  6. Sharing you gig on social media, you can improve your gig performance naturally by editing your gig photos and description. Try to make eye catching gig image, It attracts more buyers.
  7. Eid Mubarak to you also mate!
  8. Not at all, you can use fiverr. Nothing to worry.
  9. Great to see you here, hope you'll serve your clients with your best skill...
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