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Posts posted by raihannazam

  1. Fiverr strongly recommend to use active portfolios. 

    Your portfolio must be related to the gig's services you're providing.

    Show the best project you've done.

    Fiverr recommend consider to removing old projects and use up-to-date projects.

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  2. 5 hours ago, smashradio said:

    Consider raising your rates. Fiverr tends to favor gigs that are priced higher, as selling your services for just five dollars might not project the best professional image. Think about it: would a real expert charge less than a cup of coffee for their services? It might lead people to underestimate your skills, even if your gig appears in search results or is recommended by the algorithm.

    While buyers on Fiverr are looking for good value, they're also seeking quality and the best possible deal.

    It's quite normal for new sellers on Fiverr to experience a few initial sales followed by a quiet period. Succeeding here requires patience and hard work. You should familiarize yourself with Fiverr and learn as much about it as you can fromt he advice already here on the forum and all the help resources on Fiverr.

    Just make sure the guidance you follow comes from successful sellers with a proven track record of success.

    Best of luck! 

    Great advice

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    • Seller Plus is invitation only. You can be added/invited to the waiting list.
    • Seller Plus does not give you more impressions / orders.
    • It does give you a Customer Success Manager, enhanced analytics, Buyer insights, coupons, early payouts, access to events that can help build your Fiverr knowledge and a few other things. BUT literally all of this knowledge is already available if you’re willing to look for it. So, search the forum!!!!
    • More info here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview?segment=Seller
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    • Thanks 1
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