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  1. Thanks for having our suggestions for Fiverr new features. There are several problems Sellers are facing here. 1. In the meeting feature, there should be a methong like Calendly. For example, we need to schedule a meeting with any buyer - First we need to discuss the availablity of buyer/Seller and there is a difference of timezone too. and sometimes they ask for the link to join the meeting in a scheduled time. A better and suggested way is to add a functionality in meeting button, so we are able to schedule the meeting with fiverr and that scheduled meeting invite needs to send to their email. So we don't miss the potential customers by not visiting the Fiverr. I hope it makes sense. 2. There are many buyers, that don't have Fiverr apps or If they do have fiverr app, they don't timely provide the responses. So there should be a way, Buyers should come and reply to the Sellers messages. For example, Order is in que - We provide any first draft of the work as per discussed time. We keep messaging them, but they don't response. And such kind of thing delays the work and ultimately results in reducing our analytics. So there should be an automated way, So we (Sellers) don't be effected with these things. If the sellers are responsive - the Buyer needs to be responsive too. On Fiverr, Buyer always have the right to do anything and seller don't. There should be equal rights of Buyers and Sellers. Because We're giving 20% fees to Fiverr, and Buyers are providing somehow 10%. So these kinda features needs to be implemented in a better way for a Win win situation for Both Buyers and Sellers. Regards
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