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  1. I think relevant to this topic, here's my authentic, true and real, new user experience. The registration is nice and easy, but the Gig is something I didn't expect at all. For years I thought Fiverr is this light hearted platform where people have fun and make some copper coins along the way, by offering their valuable skills. Also a place to get an affordable access to real life seasoned Pros. Instead the Gig asks me to create an entire business plan that I have no knowledge about. It makes sense but its too much professional for someone like me who have no idea or practical experience with something like the "Gig". Too detailed, too serious, too unfun. As a result I have paused my Gig until.. IDK when. I want to communicate and create, I'm curious to get feedback, I want to improve, I'm up for the challenge and I'll love to secure a cup of coffee and a burger while its happening. While I really like and don't disrespect in any way the top profiles on the platform, I think the Gig process with it's parameters and mandatory requirements just took all that by the collar and repeatedly slammed it into a lamp post. Maybe it could have been implemented differently. Like more enjoyable and not so overly formal. To be fun, and not laughable. Ok... 1 day on, already ranting 😆 Peace!
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