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Everything posted by al_sowad22

  1. congratulations and best wishes for your next level
  2. To activate your Fiverr account, please share your gig on any social media platform and then manually activate your account.
  3. If it is within the ranks, it is better not to make any changes.
  4. There are no quick ways to get the order. Be patient—best wishes to you.
  5. Yes, you can share any social media platform of your choice your gig URL.
  6. Yes You are allowed to share the URL of your gig on any social media platform of your choice.
  7. If you need assistance, please contact the Fiverr Support team.
  8. There is no quick method to get orders quickly. Try to rank your gigs and also try to do gig marketing on any social media
  9. I think it's better to use your father's picture. Because it will be very easy to recover if there is any problem with your Fiverr account later.
  10. There are no specific days for first orders. Be patient.
  11. Welcome to Fiverr. Here all staff and members are supportive. So Don't worry dear.
  12. Can't you copy details from another gig when creating a gig description? Check if the plagiarism is 100%, and some words can't be written in Fiverr, such as followers. There are many other words, do some research. If you have all these words in your description, then your gig will be declined. Create a gig by following Fiverr community guidelines. By doing so, you'll have a higher chance of getting better results.
  13. When are you publishing your gig? If you are doing publish your gig now. then first check your gig states. Follow this step to check gig states. 1. Come to Support and click on Selling on Five. 2. Scroll down and click on Contact Us. 3. Again click on selling on Fiver. 4. click Gig 5. click on the gig status. If you click on a gig that is not in the search, it will show whether your gig is under review. The review process takes 24 hours. If it is active, contact support.
  14. There is no fixed timeline for receiving the first order; Share your gig on various social media like Instagram, Linkedin, Quora, Twitter, and Blogging, the main part is to stay active on Fiverr as much as you can. It's important to be patient.
  15. I'm Not Sure, But I tell you to create your gig image eye-catching. Then you will get lots of clicks on your gig.
  16. If you want to make your gig fully SEO? Follow This Step... 1. Potimize your GiG Title with meaning full 2. Must include your targeted and main 3/5 keyword three times. 3. clearly state what services you provide. 4. GIG Image or Video SEO
  17. There is no fixed time to receive the first order. Some people receive orders quickly and others take a long time to get the order. Be patient
  18. If you publish a gig today, sometimes it takes 24/72 hours to show up in search, and sometimes it shows up instantly. If you see that your gig is active then go to Support and click on Selling on Five. Then, scroll down and click on Contact Us. After that click again on selling on Fiver. After that click Gig. Then click on gig status. Your gig will show up here. If you click on the gig that is not in the search, it will show whether your gig is in the review or not. The review takes 24/72 hours. And if active, talk to support. Thanks
  19. You made a pricing mistake so your price is showing error. You entered the price incorrectly. Under Basic, Standard, and Premium, you can enter your main keyword and add days. In the second option, give a brief description of your work and what services you will provide. And schedule the day or time accordingly. Then the error will not show anymore.
  20. The gig's impression increase or decrease is entirely based on being active on social media sharing or Fiver. You can change the price and description of the gig. If the impression does not increase, delete the gig and give the gig again. Before publishing your GIG do SEO your Gig title, Image, and Description. Hope you get good results.
  21. There are no problems with it. There are no issues with your account as long as you use only one. The better option is to contact the support team.
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