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Everything posted by lfavreli

  1. Hello @minhaj_uddin8, I've created a topic in the "Tips for Sellers" section to help you in this case: Check Gigs status through the Help Center. There's a good chance that your Gig will be reviewed by a Fiverr staff member. In addition, being online does not contribute to better indexing/ranking your Gigs. Hope it helps! 🙏
  2. Hello @sany_zubair, I'm just starting out on Fiverr and haven't made any sales yet. Perhaps some categories sell better than others? In any case, I'm doing my best to appear in Gig related to software development. In the meantime, I'm trying to improve the presentation of my Gigs and read as much as possible on the forum. There's some great content in the Tips for sellers section. All the best on Fiverr! 🤞
  3. But what if a newbie (me) gave you a tip on how to manage your Gigs? I haven't seen this advice anywhere else, so I'll give it a try. For people with several Gigs, it's not always easy to know their status. On the Gigs management page, some are in the "Active" tab, others in the "Pending approval" tab, while others are still in the "Draft" tab. In addition, a Gig in the "Active" tab doesn't necessarily mean it's been published and indexed. This sometimes confuses things. What I do, and what I suggest, is that you go to the Help Center in the section: "Gig not found when searched". On this page, you'll have an overview of all your Gigs with their associated status. There's also a handy search bar to help you find the Gig you're looking for! Once you've found the Gig whose status you want to know, scroll down to its contents. You'll find all the information you need, even if the Gig is "Active", but requires further review by a Fiverr staff member. With this technique, you know whether your Gig is really indexed. No need to switch to buyer mode or open a private browser and browse dozens of pages looking for your Gig. Hope it helps! 🙏
  4. Thanks for this great document! As a reminder, there are also these 4 other templates, from the Help Center, that allow us to accurately customize our automatic responses: > Template suggestions for Auto Reply messages They're obviously not "SEO-centric", but they provide other examples for all businesses. Hope it helps. 🙏
  5. Here is an exract from the "must-read" topic written by @williambryan392: I encourage you to read the whole topic, here:
  6. I don't know if this is a new scam technique, but be careful! A buyer, with no review, told me that he was in a position to make my business grow. That he could get me new customers. To do that, I had to give him access to my Fiverr account. So be careful, some people will want your Fiverr credentials too.
  7. Especially since in @williambryan392's very good post, in the list of myths and bad advice the first point is: Feel free to have a look at this great topic, @khadizasharif:
  8. Hello everyone! I've looked in the Fiverr Terms of Service and in the various forum topics, but I haven't found an answer. So I'm putting my question here. Do you know if it's allowed to use the content of my Gigs (i.e. title, description, images and a summary of my packages) on my personal website? Where a page of my website is equal to a presentation of a Gig. Of course, each one redirecting to the Fiverr platform to place an order. I hope this will boost my traffic and finally land my first sale. Thanks in advance for your answers, and all the best to you on Fiverr! lfavreli
  9. What an inspiring journey, congrats! I have 5 Gigs around software development, but so far, no orders. I work on optimizing my titles, images, descriptions and packages. Hopefully, at some point, it will pay off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! lfavreli
  10. Hello everyone, Sorry to bring up this old topic, but i've got the same issue as @sophiakopp. I'm not sure that's normal, @grayprogrammerz. I can illustrate the problem. Using the Gig description editor, you are able to add bullet points to description: But when the Gig is published, they don't appear: However, there are many descriptions where they correctly appear: If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear from you! lfavreli
  11. Hello @acreative99, I'm not sure if you're talking about this Gig, but I see it as "on hold": I hope I've been able to help you, in addition to @milos_siena's advice. lfavreli
  12. Hello @dmsaifu, In addition to the @webcrush7 response, I reccommend this awesome @williambryan392 topic: There are lots of links and tips for improving your statistics. Hope it helps! 🙏 lfavreli
  13. Hello leadb2bpro, I recommend this very good post to know the key information to rank your Gigs : I hope it helps. 🙏 lfavreli
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