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About jisan005

  • Birthday 04/04/2005


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    Rangpur,Dhaka Bangladesh

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    Fiverr ranking refers to the algorithm and criteria used by Fiverr, a popular online freelance marketplace, to determine the visibility and placement of gigs (services offered by freelancers) in search results and category listings. A higher ranking means that a gig is more likely to be seen by potential buyers, increasing the chances of getting orders. While Fiverr does not disclose its exact ranking algorithm, several factors are known to influence how gigs are ranked on the platform:

    Relevance: The relevance of a gig to a buyer's search query is crucial. Gigs with accurate and detailed titles, descriptions, and tags are more likely to rank higher.

    Performance: Fiverr considers the seller's performance, including order completion rate, response time, and delivery time. Sellers who consistently deliver high-quality work and maintain good communication with buyers are rewarded with higher rankings.

    Customer Satisfaction: Positive reviews and high ratings from satisfied customers play a significant role in Fiverr ranking. Sellers with a track record of delivering excellent service and receiving positive feedback are more likely to rank higher.

    Gig Description and Tags: Clear and detailed gig descriptions, along with relevant tags, help Fiverr understand the services offered. Using appropriate keywords that buyers might use in their search queries can improve a gig's visibility.

    Order History: The number of orders completed successfully also affects ranking. Sellers with a history of completing orders are generally ranked higher than new sellers with no track record.

    Gig Performance Metrics: Fiverr tracks various metrics related to gig performance, such as clicks, impressions, and conversion rates. Gigs that receive more clicks and convert them into orders are likely to rank higher.

    Promoted Gigs: Fiverr offers a paid feature called "Promoted Gigs" that allows sellers to boost the visibility of their gigs by bidding for placement in prominent positions on the platform. Promoted Gigs appear at the top of relevant search results and category listings.

    Fiverr Pro: Fiverr Pro is a curated group of high-quality, hand-vetted professionals. Being a Fiverr Pro seller can significantly impact ranking, as Fiverr Pro gigs are showcased separately and often receive more visibility.

    It's important to note that Fiverr's ranking algorithm is dynamic and can change over time. Sellers are encouraged to stay updated with Fiverr's guidelines and best practices to optimize their gigs for better visibility and ranking on the platform. Additionally, providing excellent customer service, delivering high-quality work, and maintaining professionalism can enhance a seller's reputation and contribute to long-term success on Fiverr.


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