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About faith_advertise

  • Birthday 12/31/1999

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faith_advertise's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

  • Very Popular Rare
  • One Month Later
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  1. Your gig didn't go well. The title and gig description are not SEO optimized. Thumbnail not showing in video.
  2. As a newbie, you can create maximum 4 gigs
  3. Your title description is not SEO optimized. The image is not good
  4. If you can push the title by choosing the right keywords, then hopefully there will be no problem
  5. Welcome everyone to 10 years in fiverr
  6. Make low competitive gig to get orders fast. (2)
  7. You start getting impressions and clicks as soon as you create gigs
  8. It's best to give low competition keyword gigs as a newbie
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