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Everything posted by shakilhsan

  1. My gig time already 60 days but not development gig impression
  2. Elementor is very easy and most popular now. for landing page design
  3. The choice between Rank Math and Yoast SEO often comes down to personal preference and specific needs, as both are popular WordPress SEO plugins with robust features. Here's a quick comparison: Yoast SEO: Pros: User-Friendly Interface: Yoast has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for beginners to use. Reputation: It has been in the market for a longer time and has a solid reputation. Content Analysis: Yoast provides detailed content analysis with a focus on readability and keyword optimization. Premium Features: While it has a free version, Yoast also offers premium features for advanced SEO. Cons: Feature Limitations in Free Version: Some advanced features are only available in the premium version. Bulk Edit Limitations: The bulk edit feature is somewhat limited in the free version. Rank Math: Pros: All-in-One Solution: Rank Math offers a wide range of features even in its free version, including rich snippets and XML sitemap functionality. User-Friendly: Its interface is user-friendly and well-designed. Integrated Google Schema Markup: Rank Math integrates schema markup functionality, which can enhance your search results. No Premium Version: Rank Math offers all its features for free, making it a cost-effective option. Cons: Newer in the Market: As a newer plugin, it might not have the same level of community support or trust as Yoast. Learning Curve: Some users might find the range of features a bit overwhelming, especially if they are new to SEO. Ultimately, both plugins are powerful tools for SEO, and the "better" option depends on your specific needs and preferences, and whether you prefer a more established plugin like Yoast or are open to trying newer solutions like Rank Math. It might be worth experimenting with both to see which one aligns better with your workflow and provides the features you find most valuable. click my Fiverr profile and love all the gigs
  4. use relevant keywords in the gig title and description. use high-quality gig images and videos. share your gig.
  5. I am not getting any orders and my gig is not getting any impressions or clicks. what can I do now My gig link? https://www.fiverr.com/s/rXze37
  6. Set your hosting to PHP version 7.4 update element. elementor plugin with the latest version.
  7. Shopify, WordPress/woo-commerce all goods for e-commerce website
  8. Use the saved reply feature, too. You can create a message that says "I can't help you" or "This is spam,This will save your time and response rate.
  9. welcome to Fiverr. Work on Title, Image, Description, pricing, and Marketing.
  10. My net connection got disconnected while I was taking the skill test. Will there be any problem with my profile?
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