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Posts posted by pankaj_me

  1. 6 hours ago, vibronx said:

    As @ahmwritingcoand @vickiespencer told you yesterday, you have several mistakes in your gig description. I doubt you have the skills necessary to write professionally when taking that into account—at least not in English. Maybe offering writing in your native language instead would be a better option?

    It's disheartening, given my experience as an English intern in content writing on LinkedIn. I had hoped to offer my services on Fiverr. However, considering your suggestion, I'm not confident enough in my native language skills to do so. I rely on Grammarly Premium, but if it's still not adequate, could you recommend an alternative tool that might assist me?

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  2. 5 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    I gave you good advice yesterday, but I guess the advice of a lowly TRS is not good enough, so you are looking to get "PRO" advice now. Well, @vibronx is a PRO, and he gave you the same advice as @ahmwritingco and I did. SMH 

    @vickiespencer LOL! Please don't take any offense; you are a pro, without a doubt. After receiving your advice, I made some orthographic changes and wanted to know if they were correct.

    I can't disturb you now and then, or can I?

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  3. 19 minutes ago, dev_sohel said:

    I saw your profile and gigs. your gig is not perfect. you need more keywords on the description and the gig titles are not ok. you have to put a keyword on the title

    If you have any keywords in mind, please suggest them to me.

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  4. 12 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    @pankaj_me, you offer services as an SEO content writer; however, after skimming your gig description, I found many things that could be improved in the conventions of English. Any buyer with better English speaking skills than you and who wants error-free writing will not hire you. I suggest you take a course about English conventions and improve your skills. Then, correct the errors in your profile and gig description so that buyers will see you as capable of providing the services you offer on Fiverr.  

    Your profile page declares that you are fluent in English. However, after reading your post and your profile description and gig write-ups, I see that is not true. When buyers see you stretch the truth in these areas, they will not trust you and, therefore, not place orders.     

    Thank you for your valuable suggestion. I will consider it. I use Grammarly Premium to autocorrect mistakes, but I don't think it's working.

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  5. 12 hours ago, ahmwritingco said:

    There are many orthographic errors in your profile and gigs, which will be discouraging buyers from ordering your writing gig. (At least they're errors by modern standards.)

    I'll give you an example:

    'Client' and 'Help' shouldn't be capitalised.

    Thank you for your suggestion. I'll make the necessary corrections to ensure my writing meets modern standards. Let me know if there's anything else that needs improvement. Thank you!

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