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  1. Ok, when should I expect some answers then? And if the New System was meant to be "very complex with many intricacies" then why it wasn't tested on a small category before implementing in masses throughout the marketplace affecting literally every seller on Fiverr? On one hand, everyone is frustrated with this new system (Forum is flooded with unanswered questions, queries, and stressful experiences ), and on the other hand The product team at the webinars looks super proud of this new system and the people connecting these two sides(CS managers) are clueless about even most basic queries about this New System like they don't understand what is going on either like most of us sellers. Fiverr has really failed with this New Update making thousands of sellers working for years on Fiverr question the reliability of this platform as their earning source as well as if Fiverr really cares about sellers at all.
  2. @Kesha can you please answer these?
  3. They didn't address the following in webinar: * Value for money issue (they said the price of the order wouldn't essentially affect your VFM rating when in reality it does. many of my repeating customers with 100% satisfaction gave lower VFM ratings and said 'Just wish it were a little cheaper" * What exactly is the "Location inconsistency violation". And what do we need to do exactly to avoid it? Is it related to joining Free WiFi at Public Places? * Individual Quantitative Rating of all 6 parameters for better "Transparency" which they are marketing with this whole new level system * Will future order cancellations affect the SS if they are "Mistakenly Placed orders"? * Can they Manually check a specific account's SS and change it if needed or it is all Ai Data Science driven calculated score and they have no say in it?
  4. @Kesha @Lyndsey_Fiverr I would really appreciate your take on this. Thanks!
  5. If they want to lower the rating for everyone, they should do it in a way that at least makes sense. Many of the repeating clients I have been working with for years are leaving 3-4 stars in "Value for money". If they didn't see the "Value of Money" in my service, they would not have been here working with me for years. Especially the orders that came through custom offers with a prior discussion about the Cost of Service and everything, asking them about "Value for money" at the end when they are super duper happy with my work and are leaving 5/5 in everything else, doesn't make any sense at all.
  6. Returning Customer and yet he didn't find any "value for money" in the delivery 🙂 Besides that, the client is COMPLETELY SATISFIED with the delivery and didn't even ask for a single revision. This option seems flawed. Why would clients accept the price in the first place? If they don't like the price, they wouldn't order? And if they did, and they were ok with the price, they accepted the delivery while being totally satisfied with the work then what is the point of this "value for money" option? It is like "I worked with you before and I will keep working with you because I love the quality of your work but no, you have no 'Value for money' in the work you deliver"
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