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  1. Nobody can give that answer I'm afraid. You have to be patient
  2. Competition is very high these days, be patient
  3. Have you checked weather your gigs are active or not? Check gig status first
  4. Optimize your gigs, successfully complete orders, get 5 stars etc etc 🙃
  5. The market is saturated, you have to be patient. 2 months is nothing, there are people who have got their first order after more than a year passed.
  6. Hey I checked through your Profile and some of the gig descriptions. I believe they are quite good. Your gig descriptions are easy to follow and shares details about how you work and what requirements you need from clients. Your profile description also conveys that you are passionate about your work. You also have positive reviews. Overall great job. Keep up the good work!
  7. Optimize Profile and hope for the best.
  8. Optimize your profile and hope for the best...competition is higher than ever 🙃
  9. What exactly did you find suspicious? Can you provide link to the gig unless it is against the rules.😬
  10. Just check the Fiverr's level system 😐
  11. Great initiative but the process will be complicated, either way best of luck
  12. The process will take time, lot of people's account recently had issues due to the level update. I suggest being patient
  13. I suggest checking the Tips from Seller Section, Fiverr Terms of Service to get started!
  14. That is very unusual? Whats happening after the page reloads? any more details you can give us?
  15. Market is saturated, gotta be patient and hope for the best
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