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Posts posted by bot_effects

  1. Hello @sadia_seo_ First of All many many congratulations on the First Order. Getting the First Order on Fiverr is always a quite Difficult task due to competition but you have overcome that.

    If you edit your Gig Image or Video, it will not affect the Review. Even if you change your Whole gig, review will be there on the Gig Page.


    Here is one more tip :- Try not to edit your Gig too often. If you are updating Your Gig Video, then check and think about the gig images as well. 

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  2. Hey @ahasamaservices Fiverr will not count your Own Clicks, Sometimes it is necessary to check the gig by Seller, To see how the Images or Videos or Thumbnails look. So There is nothing wrong to check your Gig but you should not be regularly opening it without any obvious reasons. And Fiverr will not Count your own Clicks.


    Some People are suggesting to open your Own gig in Incognito Mode or from Different Devices to get more Clicks, I DO NOT Recommend you doing it. Becuase if you click your gig from Incognito Mode then it might increase your Clicks, but it will decrease your conversion (Order Ratio) rate.

    Moreover it is considered as a Unethical Method to do this and I think It is Against Fiverr TOS to promote or get click on your Gig through fake/unethical methods.


    Just Try hard, Focus on Best Gig making and increase your Skills - You will for sure Get desired Orders.


    Hope this Helps 🙂



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  3. I think it is kind of Myth and Kind of True. Let me explain.

    According to my Experience, Staying online forever is not possible for anyone. But as we already know that there is a filter in Fiverr Buyer Search for "Online seller" it might benefit the seller if he is active at that time. No one can predict the timing when buyer would order, that's why most of the new sellers tend to Auto Refresh plugins and that is a big trap they fall in. 

    The use of Fiverr "Online Seller" filter is that the buyer needs an urgent Respond and a quick solution to their project. If someone is really online that time and buyer contacts him/her then there are 80% chances that they will get the deal but if some other seller is using Refresh Plugins then he will not be able to respond because he is not really on the Platform.

    ** One thing to Notice here is that Using these Plugins is against Fiverr TOS **

    So in my opinion, It does help you with impressions when you are active.

    But how does it is a myth as well? Sometimes even a buyer applies the "Online Seller" filter, there are around 3 to 5 pages of Different Gigs so in the End it is really your Gig and its performance that decides whether you deserve to be presented before buyer or not (With or Without Filter). So If your services are not up to mark then even in Online Mode your gig might be lost on 3rd or 4th page.

    The First Criteria for everything on Fiverr is Providing Great and Quality value services to Clients.


    I am not very Experienced man on Fiverr but I just wrote down what I think. Please share your thoughts as well and correct me if I am wrong somewhere.


    Hope this Helps!!
    Thank you 🙂


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