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Posts posted by bot_effects

  1. Hey @shvets_v As far as I know, Promoted Gigs are not a feature of any specific Level. Promoted Gigs Feature are Provided to a few Sellers and they got Invited by Fiverr. Even Invited Sellers don't have option to Promote all Gigs, Some Gigs are Picked to be eligible for Promotion (Maybe on the Stats and Customer Satisfaction, not sure what is the Criteria but Certainly not Seller Level).

    And About the 14 Days Clearance Period. Only Fiverr Top Rated Seller can get 7 Days Clearance Period. If you are on New Level or Level 1/2 then you will have to get yourself in Fiverr Seller Plus Program (Top Pack) to get the Payment cleared way sooner.

    Hope it helps

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  2. 3 hours ago, seoswiftcreate said:

    story suggests many are also busy making money and do not have time I guess to post on fiverr,

    Thank you so much for Appreciation Sir. But I don't slightly agree on this point of Yours about "Busy Making Money". Your End Goal should not be always money, If you focus on Experience and Improving Skills then money will automatically come along the way. 

    With 100 orders I don't only got the Payment but also I got about 100 new Experience and If I get something Unique/Challenging in every 5th order then I almost learned 20 New Things from these Order. That's what I have achieved with these Order.

    And About your "Don't have time to Post", I agree with this point but not 100% Percent. Usually the Experience Posts area bit lengthy as you can see my post as well and they require some Data/Advice as well, because there is no use of a post if that doesn't provide any value to reader. Many people are not from Writing Field and often hesitate that they might not be able to express wrong.  Some people  pull themselves back due to length and other sue to Writing capabilities. I am not a writer myself or a Expert Language Master but I like writing and I am starting to writer more and more as much I can, So I just find opportunities when I can just write anything.

    Lastly, There are many Articles on Forum including Positive and Negative. You will find many articles just about the Struggle of Seller and Complaints about not getting order after being online 24/7. I will suggest you to cut yourself away from those, just focus on What you have in mind and Move ahead with that goal. One Day you will be sharing your own Story Here and Maybe Bigger than mine and anyone else's.

    Here is a Forum Post that I find an amazing read for New Sellers (I got the Idea about my Post from this Article as well)

    Thank you 🙂


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  3. Hey Everyone, 
    Just completed my 100 Days Journey on Fiverr so I thought let's celebrate it with a Community Post.
    So Before Fiverr I was taking client directly from Outside but one of my Clients Suggested my Fiverr so I hop onto it (I already knew about Fiverr but I was not on the Platform because sometimes you just need a little push to Kick things off).

    Started Selling on Fiverr around June 2023. Got the First order within a Week from the Same Client that suggested me Fiverr, so It was kinda easy start for me and that order also boosted my visibility on Fiverr as well. About a Week later got my First Order from a Fiverr Client, was excited above the Sky.

    Delivered the First Order and Buyer was really happy with the First Delivery. Completed the Order with a little tip and 5 Star Review. 

    In June End week, I got invited to Promote my Gigs. Fiverr gives $10 Promotion Funds to Promote your Gigs in the Starting and let me tell you. Everyone should use it.
    Till now I have made about $250 with the Promoted Gigs Orders and Spend only $40 ($30 mine + $10 Fiverr Credit). It gives me about 5-6 orders per month so not too bad.


    Fast Forward Aug 15, Evolution Time of Fiverr- Got Promoted to Level 1. Again I was excited above the sky but Level One gave me one downside. I sudden Feel a drop in me in my impressions, Searched online about it and found many sellers go through this same phase, I got a little despair  but I thought it is a great time to reconsider my Gig.
    I updated my Gig images, Video and a few more things. Made a simple way to show Samples and Styles to Clients, Moreover made other gig as well.



    The main factor that helped me get out of the low ranking is Returning Buyers, I got around 4-5 Orders in the Period of 15 Days and all of them were from Previous Clients so Returning Buyers are important but I am not saying to keep you a 100 Score of Repeat Business (My Score is around 90) or Just focus on Spamming Clients to Get more work done. My Point is Provide great Service so they will value you and when they come back to you, greet them and Work for them just like New Clients. Because Sometimes when you have 2 Orders in Queue and a Previous Buyer message's you regarding you a new work, there is a huge change that you will try to focus on his work in last after Completing the Orders from New Clients. Treat them as you treat new Buyers, Reply to their queries, Don't try to avoid questions saying "We will do it like last time" or "I will manage it like last time". This is a New project so it has to be unique.
    As you can see More than 50% of My Earnings are from Repeat Buyers and that's quite an achievement for me.


    Before I close this topic, Let me add one more thing - I was not Online 24/7.

    So this was my Short Journey of 100 Days on Fiverr. Completed 100 Orders with all 5 Stars (Recent Order No. 102 gave me 4.3, It is good but "meh"), All Orders were on Time.

    I cancelled 2 Orders and You should also. Determining Which Order is not for you is a big part. One of the Orders I cancelled was a $5 Basic pack that comes with Basic Effects, Buyer placed the Order and Gave me instructions. The Total hours of work was around 4-5 (That's my Premium Package). I asked Buyer to Change the Effects Style or Increase the Budget but he was not really in mood of Resolution so We want ahead with cancellation. Second Order was kinda Same, Buyer was not Sure what he wanted and just Placed an order anyway.
    It is always good to Cancel or Resolve issues in an Order rather than stressing over it for days.




    I have all the requirements completed for my Level 2 just 20 Days Left, So on Oct 15 I might get the Level 2 Badge as well. 



    That was all from my side in this Post. Let me know your thoughts as well.

    Thank you 🙂

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  4. Hey @mahir_labib007 The Only Suggestion I can give is to "Analyze your Competition".

    You are a new seller so You might want to keep your prices lower than the High Level Sellers. It is not good to Undervalue your Services but As a new Seller Sometimes we just have to make a lil bit sacrifices.

    When a Buyer Searches for a service then there are chances that he may stuck at your gig. Then he will search for Credibility and they check that Mostly in 3 ways :-
    1. Seller Level
    2. Rating and Recent Orders Portfolio
    3. Your Gig Itself (Your Pricing, Images, Videos and Description etc)

    As you new seller you got Only Third Point to prove in front of Buyer. So If you don't want to sacrifice then you will have to work on you Gig Gallery, Description, Pricing and establish yourself as a Professional.

    Suppose you are a Buyer and you need a Service in Budget on $50, There are two Options in same budget -

    1. A New Seller with 0 or less than 5 Reviews
    2. A Level 1/2 Seller with 50 or More Reviews
    Who would you chose?

    Analyze the Competition and Manage your Pricing Accordingly but don't just drop it from $75 to $5




    Hope you got my Point

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  5. Hey @milon380 

    1 hour ago, milon380 said:

    Everyone comes to Fiverr Forum to solve work problems and how to get work, it is not a place for entertainment.

    I don't completely agree with your point. Yes, you can solve work problems and get some tips on Getting order on Fiverr Forum but it is not the Only purpose.
    It is a community of Freelancers, where we can share our Experiences and have a little entertainment with the group of people having same mindset.

    So it is good to have a little timepass and Entertainment on Forum. The Forum is not only about the Tips for Sellers on Fiverr.

    Take it easy!


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  6. 11 hours ago, catwriter said:

    It used to. It was annoying, honestly, showing people online even though they were not. Potential buyers would contact them, wouldn't get a quick response (because the seller was sleeping), and would think that the seller was ignoring them.

    I don't know if it still like that. I almost never use the app.

    Hey @catwriter I think it has been fixed. Now if we turn on the "Online Status" in Fiverr App then there is a message saying that "You will remain online as soon as the App is open". So yes it is fixed.
    The App is now just like the Website in terms of being online , if you remain active on the Desktop website or Remain on the Phone App, you will be online.



    On 8/19/2023 at 10:34 PM, smartdezigns said:

    I am trying to tell you that staying online is useless

    And totally agree with this point by @smartdezigns

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  7. Hey Fiverr Support can revert the negative Impact from the Order Cancellation if it is placed by Mistake.
    You can reach out the Fiverr CS with relevant Screenshots and Order ID, explain them thoroughly that it was created by mistake.

    They will understand and help you out!

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  8. 21 minutes ago, duafatima_uml said:

    Do we need to refresh the page again and again to stay online from mobile app? Or open the app on phone and leave it idle and no need to perform any action over there? 

    Hey @duafatima_uml I am not sure about that. But when you turn on the Online Status in Mobile App there is a message that says "You will remain online as long as the App is open" As you can see in the Attached below image (Bottom Line)

    So While you are working on App you will be online, Not sure about Just keeping it open for several Hours. (And I will not suggest you to faking your Online Status on Fiverr whether on Desktop or App)

    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-19 at 7.42.41 PM.jpeg

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  9. Hey I think you should change these setting.

    In your Desktop Browser :-

    1. When you are on Seller Dashboard, Click on your Profile Image in Right upper corner and then Choose Settings
    2. Settings will open, there will be 4 options in Settings  : Account, Security, Notifications and Form W-9
    3. Open Account Settings and you will See "Online Status", If you see something like the below image than Select the  "Go Online" option




    In the App :- 

    1. Open App and Go in Profile Section (4 Icon in the Bottom Line in App)

    2. Then Click on your Profile Picture, Then you will see an option to Go Online. Just turn that on and you are all set.
    You will remain online as long as the Fiverr App is open.


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  10. Hey, There are a Few Ways.

    If you go to your Gigs Page and Open any Specific Gig, you will see an option to "Limit Orders in Queue". If you enable that and Set a limit of 2 then You will not get more orders than 2 at a time. You can set that number to anything you like.

    Second Option is, If someone already placed an Order and You find the Delivery time to be low, Just ask the buyer to Extend Delivery Date. If you tell the Buyer your Whole Situation then they will understand you for Sure.

    First you sell Specific Services that require Buyers to contact you First before ordering, then you Should Place a text in your Gig Description Saying "PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER" or something like that.

    But in most cases, Limit Orders and Delivery Extend Works great for everyone.

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  11. Hey @looseink I know this topic is old but I just got the seller Plus  Option unlocked for buying.

    Its ben about a month you you shared this topic, but I wanted to know if you saw any improvement due to seller plus or is it just a gimmick ?


    Waiting for your Response, Thanks

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  12. Hey @eyuelfikadu You can use the Work for your Portfolio or Sample only if the Buyer/Owner allows you.

    You should reach out to the Client and ask their permission to use the Video in your Gig and Portfolio. If he has some problem with it or denies your request, then you must not use the Work as it is now his Property.


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  13. On 8/4/2023 at 4:31 PM, taiebmollah said:

    10. Request reviews: Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews, as positive feedback boosts your credibility.

    hey @taiebmollah I agree with most of your points but you should not ask from buyer about reviews, it is against Fiverr TOS.

    You can't request a buyer to leave review on the order and not even request them to change the review.


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  14. 3 minutes ago, michmikaia said:

    Even if OP wants to delete her gigs, I think review will still remain in her account. Once you get a review, you cannot modify or delete it.

    Sorry I got that point wrong. You are right here. Some Old Accounts Without any gigs have some Reviews of years old Work.

    So Reviews Stay always on Profile but if you Delete your Gig and Make New Gig then no reviews will be there on New Gig until you get an order.

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  15. Hi @dua_fatima109

    It is one of the phase that every seller has to overcome, Gig Disappearing from Search and suddenly going from 10 orders per day to 0 Clicks per day. But deleting all your Gigs is not a solution for this. 

    You are a level 1 Seller so If you delete your Gigs then all your Reviews and Portfolio will be gone. You will come Down to 0 Reviews and Fiverr Might Degrade you from Level 1 Seller as it is a requirement to Maintain 4.7 Star Rating.

    If you delete your Gigs and Make New Gigs then you will have to be more patient than ever and wait for new Orders. You can do the same thing with Current Situation. Don't Delete your Gigs, Just stay Consistent and Focus on Increasing your Gig Quality. Analyze the Competition and check whether you are not falling behind. Modify the Gigs and Pricing, only if necessary.


    I hope that you will overcome this phase and Come Back.

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