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Everything posted by carminesannino

  1. I'm being honest, I'm trying, but everything seems terribly ridiculous. After the last meeting with my SM, who told me to be very careful with communication, which collects data through AI, I realized that it's impossible for me. Most of my clients are Italian, and they communicate in a very formal way, which is a negative aspect for AI, so the solution would be to respond like a bot and not like a sentient being. Tired and resigned, I will go back to working in some agency, it doesn't make sense to sacrifice so much anymore.
  2. By necessity I don't use them all together, but the macbook is my main tool, followed by the ipad. The pc, I use for COD. Grogu helps me not to lose hope.
  3. Hi Kesha. I usually listen to rep, especially Italian. For starters I often listen to Cookies 'n Cream by Gue (In this last period, I will change in some time).
  4. Yes, and the credibility of the platform itself. I suffered from the same thing, and now I am Level 0 and was Top Rated until 6 months ago. There are so many Top sellers in my category, (graphic designer) offering terrible work, but they stay Top and sell a lot. It is something nonsensical
  5. I do not want to pursue conspiracy theories, but in the period from March to April 2023, I received several orders in which the requests were confusing and the customers did not respond. When they did deliver, they replied with a revision request, leaving no meaningful comment. I read a few days ago that this method was used towards other sellers. Honestly, I would like the support to listen to me, I am one of the few designers in that category who has skills, talent, I went to the academy of fine arts. I find everything accauded to me out of touch with reality
  6. The revisions, and the fact that I have many Italian customers, may have had an impact on my current score, which I find really unreasonable. In the meantime, I will lose my Level 2 (I was also Top Rated for almost 3 years previously) and go to 0. Furthermore, my metrics are also commensurate with profiles run, ostensibly by individual professionals, but which are actually agencies, shouldn't this be considered unfair competition? They are not even transparent with buyers in this way.
  7. It looks like a questionnaire about Fiverr as a platform, not about the seller. Mamma mia!
  8. It's an ethical as well as a regulatory concern. There is no seriousness, no fairness, and not even respect for the seller and the buyer. Such an unfair system cannot in any way enhance the quality of the service. So for this reason, I feel deeply misled.
  9. This data is partially present in the app. I can't find them on the website. But they will also be changing the app interface soon....
  10. I also handled a high number of orders per day, as many as 30, they were not $5, but 30$, 60$ and 100$. I didn't sleep at night, and when I couldn't do it, I would put my status unavailable. These vendors, however, have been handling 60 orders a day, every day, for years. We all know what happens, we know how it works, I can't write it down.
  11. I've been told by customer support that they can't help me because the metric is based on an "exact science" that has always existed. Establishing a metric that favors sales volume over quality. This becomes evident when exploring my category, graphic design, with many sellers registered as individual freelancers, but in reality, they are teams capable of handling a large number of orders per day. Most of these jobs are of poor quality, as can be easily inferred from the sample images in the Gigs or the numerous negative public reviews. However, the high sales volume only has a positive impact on their status on the platform. In this case, not only does an unfair competition logic emerge, but buyers themselves are deceived by this system. Fiverr's industrial logic is a "quantity-focused approach," yet they continue to advise me to offer high-quality services. I wonder when the antitrust will start moving
  12. Yes, in mine, the two principal both 4, with only 2 negative points for each of the Gig. There are no positive factors impacting, such as on-time delivery (I have never delivered an order late). I asked the CS for an explanation, he replied ChatGPT.
  13. If you want, take a look at my services. I went through schools and art academy for my talent, brutally abused here on Fiverr (I regret choosing this platform). The crazy thing, is that this system favors the clever copy and paste, and harms the experts. Most of my orders go into revisions, because for the most part, they are professionals looking for a reasonably priced expert, so they often send orders into revisions for days. I cannot believe how absurd this is. I will go back to work in agencies, last year I turned down an important one to continue on Fiverr. Lol, what a joke...
  14. First order response received, on App doesn't work. You have to connect from the web, if you are only with a mobile device, I recommend using the browser to respond to an order request. I noticed this years ago, without anyone telling me....
  15. @Kesha I have an order under revision for several days because it involves collaboration with another seller, and the client is unresponsive, resulting in the order being placed under revision. This is a common situation, especially with design and logos, which are expected to last for many years. Clients sometimes take several days to respond. May I ask on what reasonable basis this criterion was determined? Are you telling us that working serenely is no longer possible? It seems like you're pushing us towards quick, transactional work, yet you also want the client to be 100% satisfied. So, what should I do now? Should I tell the client they can no longer take their time and ask for their thoughts on the design? Do you seriously think the buyer will be happy with this pressured approach? Seriously, guys, please reconsider this completely nonsensical system.
  16. I have 3 orders in revisions, since a few days. One of them is a professional who has another client who still hasn't given feedback (it's a big project and I understand that). So Fiverr is punishing me for being kind and patient? This doesn't make a lick of sense. How can anyone even think of entrusting Ai with such an evaluation...?
  17. I also work with other vendors, who are waiting for feedback from other customers, so they send the order in revision. Many of my customers do this, so now what is the point? What should I do from this point on?
  18. Many of my works go through revisions because I’m a graphic designer, and I work on logos. Often, clients need time to understand, and I grant them that time because I know a logo should last, and I want to give the client time to choose what to do. But now, I’m reading that this has an impact on customer satisfaction. What should I do at this point? Should I tell the client that they have to accept what I’ve done and go elsewhere? But who came up with such a system, have they ever worked seriously in their life? I’m sorry to tag you, @Kesha, but I don’t know who else to tag here. Can you clarify this because this scenario is the most senseless thing in the world.
  19. I still find it absurd to penalize sellers for a very positive review. In this way, it seems that only 5-star reviews are appreciated, while private negative reviews can still harm the seller’s profile. This system is stressful and doesn’t add quality to the platform but creates fear and discomfort for the seller. They should seriously reconsider this senseless system, or they risk losing competent sellers who will abandon Fiverr.
  20. Hi @Kesha, I hope this message finds you well. I have a question regarding my upcoming meeting with my manager on March 14. Could she assess my situation in advance or be informed, or should I wait until the scheduled date for our first meeting? Thank you in advance.
  21. This does not make sense, since a few months then my impressions and clicks have drastically dropped, since the internal testing of the new system started (probably). How can we continue to have confidence in such a platform? I feel naive to have invested so many of my resources here si Fiverr....
  22. Until a few hours ago, I had a negative impact on customer satisfaction (but I have all 5 stars) now it is strongly negative. I have not received any reviews in the last week. What has happened in such a short time? This metric is not only unclear, it is also quite sneaky. I should add that I was on the street when I saw this on my phone, I felt sick and vulnerable. These people don't realize the damage they are doing on the health of us sellers....
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