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Status Updates posted by yourbrandingpal

  1. 2. The OP did not ask CS to change the review (which the OP did)

    I can understand if OP was issued a warning, but doesn't make sense to ban the account based on mere inquiry. I mean CS does have the tools to verify the legitimacy of the claims made by the users, so I really don't get why there has to be a ban over a perceived manipulation. This act on part of CS/Fiverr promotes the notion that a user is guilty until proven otherwise and sets a bad precedent as well. Not sure why people aren't pushing back on this one.
    Sorry for posting my thoughts here, I have reached my daily posting limits 😅

    Anyhow, I understand this is how things are right now, but they will only continue to be this way if people accept it as they come (I am referring to blindly accepting rules btw).

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    2. yourbrandingpal


      I agree it's their site and it's their rules, I meant to state it as a sort of suggestion/ the ideal way of how it should have been, but guess it came out wrong. I only meant to imply that you can't form trust by suspending accounts based on mere prima facie evidence. But yes, as said earlier, we are in agreement that it's their website, so they can conduct the business however they want to. I just hope not too many people are impacted every time some random user contacts CS and quotes usernames of these unassuming people followed by the word "review". 

    3. vickieito



      I just hope not too many people are impacted every time some random user contacts CS and quotes usernames of these unassuming people followed by the word "review". 

      I think it does. On the main platform - I'll use the word "comment" or "feedback" instead of "review." I also will tell buyers to "look over their orders" just so my messages won't trigger anything related to reviews. So it does feel like we're walking on egg-shells all the time!

    4. yourbrandingpal



      I think it does. On the main platform - I'll use the word "comment" or "feedback" instead of "review." I also will tell buyers to "look over their orders" just so my messages won't trigger anything related to reviews. So it does feel like we're walking on egg-shells all the time!

      Well, let's hope they are more considerate towards genuine users and go a bit easy in the near future, shouldn't be too hard considering all the advancements in the field of AI, not saying the noose should be loosened completely, but maybe not too tight either.

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